
Welcome 2013!

Although I wasn't quite as keen to get rid of 2012 as I was say 2010 or 2011, I am still so happy to welcome in a new year and one that I'm sure will be even better than last year! There is some VERY exciting some stuff lined up which I will be telling you about just as soon as I can, including something publishing related and some travel... (must remember to renew my passport, eeek!) I do love a new beginning, some time to reflect (I've had even more than I expected due to being laid up with a horrible bug the last few days too, ick!) and make plans.

2012 was a rollercoaster year for me, it started with a bit of a low for me for a few reasons, which I won't harp on about, needless to say though I was left with a difficult decision to make, a bit of a mess to sort out and some dusting down and getting on with things to do! The course of how I thought things would go changed, but what seemed like a negative at the time, turned out to be the biggest blessing of all, I retained control of my brand, my work and the direction I was going in and that freedom turned out to be a huge blessing as I found out just weeks later - without that I wouldn't be in the position I'm in now or able to take up some of the fab offers that have come my way (some of which are still to be revealed - eeek!)

I managed to keep all of my resolutions, except one, my quilt never did get started, I was just too busy!

And so 2012 I will remember as the year I...

* changed direction and realised I COULD do it all by myself if I just had a little more faith in myself
* launched a ton of new products
* diversified into retail with the addition of my NOTHS shop
* partnered with some fab companies including Serif and Silhouette (with a few more yet to be revealed...)
* returned to Create & Craft
* launched Craft Academy and the Sarah Hurley Lookbook magazine
* learned to cook
* got excited about a Jubilee and Olympics I thought I didn't care about (ha! how wrong was I!)
* met lots of you at Donington
* laughed more and cried less than I can ever remember - got to be a good thing, right?

My one little word for 2012 was 'Believe' to believe in myself and my decisions, my gut instinct - I certainly did that and I'm VERY happy with the way that turned out! :o)

My one little word for 2013 is...
It may seem like a frivolous one this year but it's a reminder to myself, never let ANYONE dull my sparkle, there will always be people who try to drag you down, make you feel bad about yourself or insecure in what you can do (usually because they themselves feel insecure) people that bully (you'd think it stops in the playground, but sadly, no!) backstab and think they will appear better than you if they put you down or shout louder than you - but when you have sparkle, it shines brighter than any of that and noone can dull your sparkle unless you let them - so rise above it all and sparkle on! :o)

Here is my first sparkle of the year...

Don't mind me, I'm off to sparkle some more.... ;o)

Thank you for dropping by today!

Sarah x


  1. A very happy & sparkly new year to you Sarah, you certainly did have a successful & busy 2012 & I hope 2013 is just as good. I ordered the organiser you have on your desk last night...great minds lol :D
    C xx

  2. Sparkle, sparkle little Sarah
    How I wonder who you are?

    Not at all!

    You are a hard-working, creative lady with loads to offer! Already this year you are teaching me (50+) how to use Promarkers - and you didn't even know it!

    (Craft Academy folks)

    Have a lovely year Sarah!

    1. thank you Shirley, so glad I can help, look out for lots more Promarker tuition coming soon! :)

      Sarah x

  3. Happy New Year :-)

    Sparkle is a fabulous choice of word, even the sound of it makes me smile.

    Here's to a fantastic 2013 xx

  4. Really inspiring post thank you. I'm thinking about starting up my own business as an illustrator & designer with no training or support & its really scary - what if people don't like what I do? Where do I start? But I should have faith in myself as wonderful things do happen when you least expect it - you've just got to be in it to win it as they say :) Happy New Year to you. JJ @ T4T xx

    1. thank you Jo - my advice, just go for it! yes, you'll make mistakes, things won't always go right but it all teaches you something - if you work hard, stay positive, be kind and believe in yourself, great things happen! Good luck for your new venture, let me know how you get on! Sarah x

  5. I love your word! Sparkle. And the reason behind it. I tell my daughter the same thing. People get jealous and don't like change and so respond by putting a dampner on things. How we respond makes the difference. Best Wishes for 2013 and hopefully we can both find time for a get together for proper catch up!

  6. Sparkle!The perfect buzz word for 2013.I like the positivity of this post but mostly I love that ring-it's a beautiful colour and looks great with the nail polish.Keep sparkling!

  7. Hi Sarah

    I am so happy that things panned out for you last year - you didn't mention your stint in Kirsties vinage home shop - I LOVED that series...

    Sparkle is a great word to use because it evokes a sense of fun - but also a sense that you should allow yourself to shine, being dull won't get you noticed, and can even have an effect on how you view yourself - let alone how others view you, so be as spangly and sparkly as you possible can.

    Look forward to hearing about your new ventures again, and also the next issue of your lookbook...

    hugs and happy new year

    Paula x x x

  8. loved the last one for 2012 ~ aewsome in its self!!! Love your stuff, so you and that is what it eeds to be YOU!!!! wishing you a knock your socks off kinda of 2013!!!!
