
A Few of My Favourite Things... Giveaway!

Today I'm having a little giveaway in partnership with my friends at!
The prize is:

* these 4 exclusive stamps from this months 'A Few of My Favourite Things...' kit club add ons
* a voucher from for 20% off your Instagram printing
* a 10% voucher for my shop

It's super easy! just add yourself to the linky thingy below (and to my blog followers if you'd like to too!) and I will draw a winner at random next week, you have 7 days from today to enter, the closing date is June 5th at midnight GMT.

As well as this, I'm also offering a free add on next month for anyone who subscribes to the kit between now and the closing date! You can see all the information and subscribe here, to join the 'A Few of My Favourite Things...' newsletter for kit reveals please email me here.

If there are over 100 entries I will give away a couple of vouchers to a few runners up too, so tell your friends and send them this way! :o)

Thank you for dropping by today!
Sarah x

A Few of My Favourite Things... May Kit reveal!

This months kit and add ons are now available in my shop, here is a little look inside this months kit...
This month I got a bit carried away with stamp designing so there are two stamps in the main kit and 3 other stamps available in the addons! I'm totally in love with that wood veneer journaling card, can't wait to get some time to play with my kit!

I've also teamed up with the lovely peeps at to offer you 20% off your Instagram printing, they do polaroid style prints and stickers, I've had both and they are fab! You can snap up a kit here before they sell out or subscribe in time for next months kit here!

I hope you're all having a lovely bank holiday!

Thank you for dropping by today
Sarah x

New Products & Brochure

I've been telling you how busy I am working on lots of new products and now I can show you just  a couple of them (some of them are not quite ready yet!)

Firstly, two new softie sewing kits, a cute deer and a sausage dog...
all my kits are now in new packaging complete with my (well earned after a lot of hard work!) CE mark - yay!
and I've also added some cufflinks to my jewellery range, just in time for Father's Day!
I've also now completed my swishy online product brochure where you can see all of my current products, you can take a look here...

If you would like your local shop to stock my products, please direct them to this link or if you are a shop or website that would like to stock my products, please take a look and send me an email, I'd love to help! :o) (I ship worldwide)

I'd love to hear what you think of the new products and the brochure!

Thank you for dropping by today
Sarah x

Watercolour Scrapbooking with Inktense

Today I wanted to share with you my Derwent blog project from last month, I used the fabulous Inktense blocks and an Instagram picture to create a scrapbook page about my Momiji Doll collection...
I used the blocks to add a strip of colour across the top, going from purple through to blue, I then sprayed along the top with water and held the paper at an angle so the colour dripped down.
I did actually get my first attempt wrong trying to be impatient and drying with my heat gun, but it just blew the colour all over the page *sigh* so my top tip, is to leave it to dry overnight! It didn't go to waste though, I cut that piece down and used it as the mat pieces behind my picture!
I also used the blocks to colour in the wooden embellishments and alphabet - the colours are so bright and they are permanent when dry.

I think my Inktense obsession is starting to show, not bad for someone who was scared of watercolouring just a year ago!

Thank you for dropping by today!
Sarah x

Another Sneak Peek...

Just a quick post today, with another little sneak peek of the project I mentioned last week, this is a work in progress...
I've been working on this more today in between lots of other things including some more new products coming next week (yay!)

I hope you're all having a lovely weekend :o)

Thank you for dropping by today!
Sarah x

Papercraft Inspirations Cover!

With all the excitement and goings on of the last few weeks, I completely forgot to mention, I made the cover of Papercraft Inspirations magazine this month! Here is the cover showing one of my Magnolia cards (with Promarkers, of course!)
There are a few more inside, I hope you can pick up a copy and let me know what you think of my little project.

Thank you for dropping by today!
Sarah x

Sneaky Peek!

Today I breathed a little life into a massive project I have been working on for absolutely ages now, something that has lived just in my head for years and years and I don't mind admitting I'm a little (ok, a LOT! lol) nervous to start sharing it! but the time has come for me to let it go.

While I hold on to my private world for just a little bit longer, I also want to share with all of you and show you the tiniest sneak peek...
You will be hearing a lot more about this little one very soon...

Thank you for dropping by today!
Sarah x

Darker Hair & Skin Tones with Promarkers

Today I'm sharing another of my Create & Craft show makes, this time the little ladybug card where I showed how to do darker hair and skintones, for this I used the Skintones 2 and Neutrals Promarker and Flexmarker sets.
The stamp is another of the Little Darlings range I've been showing on Create & Craft. the backing paper was actually an old one I've had for about 8 years and was in my 'to recycle' pile I saved it just in the nick of time as it was perfect for this card! Here are a couple of close ups to show you the colouring in detail... (you can click to make them bigger)
I'm often asked how I stop my black hair colouring looking grey - the trick is to use a hint of brown in the shadowy areas, here I started with Walnut and then layered Black and Dark Grey 4 and 5 over the top.

I've been very busy here at Hurley HQ this week working on lots of new exciting products and some things I will be telling you about VERY soon! I have also been organising and photographing all my new kit packaging, now my sewing kits match my card making and memory journal kits, what do you think?
Thank you for dropping by today!
Sarah x

Colouring Die Cuts

Firstly, my apologies, this post should have happened yesterday, but unfortunately all my plans of catching up and maybe even getting ahead this weekend were completely shot to pieces and I fell ill *sigh* luckily I am fighting fit and back to work today (yay!)

So, today, I want to go over one of the things I spoke about on one of my recent Create & Craft shows - colouring die cuts with your Promarkers. Usually we would die cut out pieces from multiple colours of card and build them up etc... however, it can be difficult to plan ahead and it leaves you with lots of scraps of card - which, if you're anything like me, you have great intentions of using up on another project and then promptly stuff in a drawer and forget about (sound familiar? lol) so what I started doing was cutting all of my die cuts from white bleedproof card and colouring with my Promarkers, here is an example...
The castle, dragon and clouds are all cut from the same white bleedproof card using my Cricut Mini, the Cricut cartridge for the castle and dragon is called Fantasy - I can't remember which one the cloud was from but you can search within the software to find it and download it - easy peasy! Each die cut piece was coloured with Promarkers before being layered together with Pinflair (I blame Phill for my addiction to Pinflair now! lol) Here are a couple of close ups, you can see just how 3D those die cuts are! (you can click to make them bigger)
I glittered the clouds with Stickles and then pieced together my card - the papers are from two DCWV stacks - the blue is from everyday essentials, my new fave! before stamping the coach and horses at the bottom.

I hope my little tip saves you some time and precious pieces of card and paper!

Thank you for popping by today
Sarah x

*New!* Gatsby Digi Scrap Kit & Stamps

Today I'm releasing a new kit called Gatsby - you may have already got a peek at this if you checked out our Lookbook latest issue yesterday. The kit is all very 20's / Art Deco themed and features four of my hand drawn character digi stamps (I had great fun drawing these ladies!) the stamp set, of course, matches perfectly and there will be matching paper available in around a weeks time (you can pre-order and it will be sent as soon as it arrives - I won't hold your stamps up, and you will only pay one postage charge - win!)

Here is a little look at the Digi Kit...
and here are the stamps (there is also a lovely large latice background stamp that coordinates perfectly!) and a preview of the paper pack... (you can click on them to see them bigger!)
and finally, a gorgeous card that Elaine made from the digi kit...
You can find the whole Gatsby range here in my shop!

Thank you for dropping by today!
Sarah x

The Lookbook Magazine Volume 3!

Well, my lovely Design Team have once again done me proud and put together some fantastic projects for the third volume of the Sarah Hurley Lookbook magazine. You can now read the issue online (just click below)

We would love to hear what you think of this issue, and as ever, all of the products shown are now available here in my shop (except for the sneak peek kit which will be available soon)

As ever, a massive thank you to my lovely design team who made such fabulous projects for this issue, without them, none of this would be possible! We look forward to your comments and feedback.

Submissions for volume 4 are now open! To have your Sarah Hurley project considered for inclusion, please send us a photo of your project here.

Thank you for dropping by today
Sarah x

The Lookbook Magazine Volume 3!

Well, my lovely Design Team have once again done me proud and put together some fantastic projects for the third volume of the Sarah Hurley Lookbook magazine. You can now read the issue online (just click below)

We would love to hear what you think of this issue, and as ever, all of the products shown are now available here in my shop (except for the sneak peek kit which will be available soon)

As ever, a massive thank you to my lovely design team who made such fabulous projects for this issue, without them, none of this would be possible! We look forward to your comments and feedback.

Submissions for volume 4 are now open! To have your Sarah Hurley project considered for inclusion, please send us a photo of your project here.

Thank you for dropping by today
Sarah x