
Darker Hair & Skin Tones with Promarkers

Today I'm sharing another of my Create & Craft show makes, this time the little ladybug card where I showed how to do darker hair and skintones, for this I used the Skintones 2 and Neutrals Promarker and Flexmarker sets.
The stamp is another of the Little Darlings range I've been showing on Create & Craft. the backing paper was actually an old one I've had for about 8 years and was in my 'to recycle' pile I saved it just in the nick of time as it was perfect for this card! Here are a couple of close ups to show you the colouring in detail... (you can click to make them bigger)
I'm often asked how I stop my black hair colouring looking grey - the trick is to use a hint of brown in the shadowy areas, here I started with Walnut and then layered Black and Dark Grey 4 and 5 over the top.

I've been very busy here at Hurley HQ this week working on lots of new exciting products and some things I will be telling you about VERY soon! I have also been organising and photographing all my new kit packaging, now my sewing kits match my card making and memory journal kits, what do you think?
Thank you for dropping by today!
Sarah x

1 comment:

  1. I'm doing a Happy Dance because I absolutely needed this post as I struggled with hair, I always do darker hair and this has come at the right time. Any tips on Blonde or light hair in general, its the one thing that lets my colouring down!
