
This is whats happening... an update!

Today, I thought I'd catch you up on some behind the scenes news here at Hurley HQ! Since the launch of the trade shop last week, we've been inundated with new subscribers, browsers and customers, totally thrilled for everyones support (thank you so much!) and we are busily processing and packing your orders. To those of you who have pointed your local craft shops our way, we are very very grateful.

The last few weeks we have been in the process of reorganising our house to fit in more and more stock and packaging (and staff!) we are also looking locally for a premises of some kind, perhaps an office or unit so that we  can continue to grow, it won't happen overnight, but we are getting prepared. This week we have also started interviewing people for the Creative Assistant position I advertised recently to work here at Hurley HQ, we are very excited to add someone to our team and we'll let you know just as soon as we have made our decision!

Behind the scenes we have been preparing the largest amounts of stock we ever have to go out to some of the UK's largest retailers, that is VERY exciting but comes with a big learning curve as we deal with supplier handbooks, labelling requirements, packing requirements and tight deadlines! We have also been photographing and preparing lots and lots of new products, I design, draw and write in every free moment I can find and some exciting contracts are being negotiated and signed.
It's been super hard work, long hours, no sleep, but I'm loving it, although for me this is scary stuff, I must admit that when I started this company, it was only ever supposed to be a little hobby type business for me, I never planned for it to grow very big, I had no 5 year plan or growth plan or even a business plan, I just knew I wanted to write and draw and make pretty things and share them with people. I was working through one of the most stressful, sad and painful times of my life and I wanted to just do something I enjoyed, something that gave me a little bit of joy and something to give me a reason to get out of bed in the morning, the fact that the thing I enjoyed grew into what it is now is completely overwhelming to me, and of course, I couldn't do it without the support of all of you lovely peeps, I don't think I can express adequately how grateful I am for that, but trust me, I am!

Now, it's time for a very quick dinner with B, a quick snuggle with Fuzzybutt and I'll be back to labelling boxes into the wee small hours, another pallet of stock is being prepared to go off this weekend (eek!)I'll be back once I'm all done, to share some crafty stuff :o)

Thank you for dropping by today!
Sarah x


  1. It's like a whirlwind. Don't forget to open a bottle of something bubbly with B to celebrate.

  2. Sounds like a hive of industry down your way - YaY!!! you go for it - and yes Jaine's suggestion of a bottle of fizz is a must.


  3. Sarah, I'm so delighted & excited for you. So happy to see all that hard work paying off and seeing your passion and joy in what you do.
