
Catching Up - Stitches Show and CHA news!

I've been away for most of this week at the Stitches trade show in Birmingham. I go every year but usually just for one day, however this year I had lots of exciting meetings planned and things to do so I stayed for the whole thing!

I was very lucky that when I got to the hotel, I was upgraded to a suite, so I had a star on my door and a little balcony opposite the bed (though it was far too cold and rainy to actually go out there!!)
For the first day my assistant Lisa came with me and we had a fab time checking out all the new products, including my brand new stamps for Personal Impressions!! (I still squeal a little when I see my new products)
When she left, I quickly rushed back to the hotel for the CHA UK AGM and networking event, I'm super pleased and proud to tell you that while I was there, I was elected to the board of directors! To even be considered was an honour, let alone selected and elected! So for the next 3 years I will be working on some very exciting projects for the craft industry alongside a number of fab industry experts (am I allowed to squeal again??)
After all of that excitement I treated myself to a little lie in in the squishy hotel bed (surprising how much sleep you can get when you don't have furry peeps snoring in your ear and trampling you! lol) before heading back for the last day of the show on Tuesday, I had lots of exciting meetings lined up and I can't wait to start telling you all the new and exciting things coming soon! I also got to have a little crafty time with Tania at WOW embossing, making this pretty pink ring...
I had dinner that night with the rest of the CHA UK board so we could all meet each other properly and then I was up early Wednesday for an all day board meeting (my first one!!) before heading home to Essex, I think my furry peeps missed me, what do you think??
Now, Lisa and I are frantically catching up with emails and things, and working on the reveal of this months 'A Few of My Favourite Things' kit (watch your inboxes this weekend!!) I will be back very soon with some crafty things and projects to show you very soon too.

Thank you for dropping by today!
Sarah x


  1. Could it happen to a nicer hardworking lady? No, not at all. Enjoy the rewards of your diligence, Sarah x

  2. Exciting times, Sarah. Big congrats. x
