
Project Life - Week 5

It's been a little while since I've shared any of my Project Life, I've got a little stuck on this page since my Dad died a few weeks ago and I know I had to post it today just to get it out of the way so I can move on to the next one, otherwise I'll be very very behind in my posting! and I would like to get past it so I can post other weeks and projects that include him. I have blocked out a few of the journaling areas, not something I usually do, and I'll skip over a few of the cards I would usually talk about more, just because it's still very very raw and I'd like to keep those things to myself for now, I hope you understand... So, here is my week 5!
I used a mix of the Project Life Honey core kit, a Crate Paper mini kit and Documented365 cards...
The Day in the Life stamp is from one of my own sets, it was perfect for documenting this day at Create & Craft!
This one is a bit random, I documented a tweet from the week, it amused me a little bit, I wonder if I'll still find it funny in 10 years time!...
The header for this week I made from some paper scraps and a Stampin Up stamp - I'm not sure why the glasses are relevant to the week but I thought it fitted well! 
I loved this pic of Fuzzybutt finishing off my ice lolly, it was so hot that week! The TV stamp I've had for about 10 years (it's an old woodblock one) I liked the area it left for me to journal in the centre - I didn't have a lot to document this week so there are a few random everyday things thrown in - all still very important of course!
This pic is from an app on my iPhone, the view is from my living room window. Here is a close up of the left page...
and the right page...
I'll be back with some more Project Life shares soon to catch up!

Thank you for dropping by today
Sarah x

1 comment:

  1. Love your pages Sarah, I have some catching up to do too.
