
Website Update!

We told you we had lots of new things coming, and one project that we've been working very hard on for a while now is a brand new website!! I'm super pleased to say we got it finished enough to launch today (Lisa even very kindly left her sickbed to come and help me finalise everything today - she's a keeper!) so the website is down for a few hours right now as all the techie stuff switches over and then I'll be showing you around our brand new home - I can't wait!!

We still have a few tweaks to make and lots more products to be added (we started with bestsellers which are all on, we just have the last few bits and all the digi stuff to load on - that continues tonight!) Some products have been discontinued to make room for new ones coming soon, there isn't really enough to create a sale so we'll be creating more of our super popular bargainous grab bags with them - look out for more news of that soon!

Thank you for dropping by today!
Sarah x

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