
Hurley HQ Behind the Scenes - Meet the Team! - Lisa

As you know, we've been redoing our website, part of that is the 'Meet the Team' page which you'll be seeing change over the next couple of weeks. I thought it would be nice to spotlight each member of Team Hurley as we go so you can get to know them all, there are a great team behind the scenes, without whom, none of what I do would be possible! So today we are starting right here at Hurley HQ with my lovely assistant Lisa...
Lisa joined us in October last year, she was supposed to just do a day or two a week to help me pack orders and make tea, within just a few weeks she was here full time after really getting involved in everything, helping me develop new products, organise the office and launch the YouTube channel among other things - now Fuzzybutt actually barks at her when she tries to leave! lol. Here is a little bit more about Lisa...

The 5 words that best describe you?
Humorous, Patient, Loyal, Creative, Quirky

Celebrity Crush
Channing Tatum. All. Day. Every. Day.

Favourite Colour

Guilty Pleasure
Michael Bolton (circa the long hair)

Craft Supply you couldn't live without?
A glue gun!

Favourite Song / Book / Film
Song: Enya - Anywhere is.
Book: Yes Man - Danny Wallace
Film: Hocus Pocus

Your Best Feature
My eyes.

Something weird or funny about you
If someone say's "touch wood" I have to say, "touch metal because wood burns" even though metal can melt right! and I'm not actually superstitious. But now everyone that knows me say's "touch wood, touch metal"! Lisa logic is clearly contagious!

Favourite snack while crafting?
"Snack" ...singular.... I can only pick one? ONE!?!!!! *5 days later* salty & sweet popcorn

If you could have any superpower what would it be?
I consulted the Wikipedia list of superpowers and decided I would like a superhuman mentality, which is "the ability to have intelligence quotient far above that of a genius level." That will do nicely.

Favourite Place
The USA. I believe I am an American trapped inside the body of a weather consumed British person.

Favourite Season

Early Worm or Night Owl?
I'm a far more functioning human in the evening / night.

5 Dream Dinner Party Guests
Michael Jackson, Louis Theroux, Dolly Parton, Karren Brady, Channing Tatum

Tell us a secret!
When I was younger I broke my toe and told my mum I accidentally caught it on the side table in the living room... which was somewhat true, aside form the fact I actually slipped off the arm of the sofa, upon which I was dancing, when I was meant to be off school sick. As I couldn't get my foot in a shoe, my mum decided to cut the entire front toe off of a trainer and tried to send me to school wearing it. Wasn't. Happening.

I hope you enjoyed our first 'Meet the Team' post, we'll be back to introduce you to another member of the team very soon.

Thank you for dropping by today!
Sarah x


  1. Hey good answers there Lisa, nice picture too. :)

  2. Fantastic idea lovely to meet Lisa and get to know her better -- looking forward to reading about the rest of your design team x
