
Hurley HQ Behind the Scenes - Meet the Team! - Clare

Today, we're meeting another member of Team Hurley, this time Clare Brown, the longest serving member of my Design Team, (she's been with me from the very beginning!) Special Editions stamp designer and all round good egg (she bought me a mug with Nessie on it last time she visited, how fab is that???!)
Here is a little more about Clare...

The 5 words that best describe you?
Vertically Challenged, Always Smiling, Perfectionist, Organised

Celebrity Crush
Spiderman, and yes he is real! lol

Favourite Colour
Pink, just like my craft room

Guilty Pleasure
Dancing and singing with the children in the kitchen (most days!)

Craft Supply you couldn't live without?
Sizzix Big Shot

Favourite Song / Book
Song: Angels - Sarah McLachlan
Book: The Far Away Tree - Enid Blyton

Your Best Feature

Something weird or funny about you
For someone who is so small, I take up most of the bed whilst sleeping! lol

Favourite snack while crafting?
I never snack but I do drink copious amounts of tea, unless it's a Sarah Hurley Team night then it's cocktails or a glass or two of wine!

If you could have any superpower what would it be?
The ability to stop time...never seem to have enough of it when doing the things I love

Favourite Place
Falkirk Park Run - had to mention running somewhere!

Favourite Season
Summer - the world always seems a happier place

Early Worm or Night Owl?
Early worm - I'm a get up and go person!

5 Dream Dinner Party Guests
Brian Cox, Spiderman, Kevin Bridges, Michale Buble, Jessica Innes

Tell us a secret!
When I was 14, I had a hairstyle exactly like Brian May!

I hope you enjoyed meeting Clare, we'll be back to introduce you to another member of the team very soon.

Thank you for dropping by today!
Sarah x


  1. I was thinking I'm more of a slightly cracked egg lol. Go team Hurley!!!

  2. Loved reading that Clare, shame there are no pictures of the Brian May hairdo;)
