
Sneak Peeks! *New* World of Imagination....

Today I'm sharing super exciting news and sneak peeks (my favourite!) As I mentioned, next week we will be launching something new and super exciting, a completely new brand and product range and something I have been working on for over a year! There are a ton of exciting things and products in the works - I can't even tell you how many! but the first few will launch next week.

Here are a couple of sneak peeks I've shared over on Facebook. Firstly... here is a little look into one of the boxes delivered last week (we are literally surrounded by boxes right now and have lots and lots more on the way - eeek!)
(little clue, this probably isn't for you might think...)

Secondly, here is a look at one of the new types of packaging, what could possibly be in these cute suitcases???
(little clue, it isn't anything from the box above...)

And thirdly, here is a little sneak at what I was creating today, this is a very small part of something bigger
 (little clue, this DOES go in the box above!)

Confused yet? I hope not too much! This range is called The World of Imagination...
You can find out a little more over on the World of Imagination Facebook page (I don't normally set up new pages and things for different ranges as I like to keep everything on my main page BUT this is too big to keep it just on my page!!) and there will be a lot more sneak peeks and news over there all week long before our big launch next week - I hope you'll come and join us!!!

Thank you for dropping by today and sharing in our excitement, we hope you love it all as much as we at Hurley HQ do!

Sarah x


  1. I love the little suitcases, very cute! Looking forward to seeing everything :)

  2. Just found your blog! Love it and can't wait to check out the fb pages :)
