
Happy New Year! 2014 in Review...

With 2014 gone, I'm very pleased to welcome in 2015. Last year was a real rollercoaster of a year for me, there was really no down time and it was either massive highs or massive lows leaving me feeling a bit emotionally and physically wrung out come Christmas, especially after following what was one of the best years of my life in 2013. I spent the festive period disconnecting, resting, sleeping, grieving and just generally repairing myself, making myself stronger ready for next year.

2014 will be the year I remember as the year I...

* Took my product range from around 400 products to over 700 at last count, expanding into toys, bakeware, stationery and more
* Grew my company by almost 500% once again, I had thought this year would be quieter, apparently not! I don't think I'm programmed for quiet and laid back somehow...
* Launched lots of new product ranges including the World of Imagination, Charm Street Cuties and Dollybelles - you'll be seeing more of all of these this year!
* Won an award for my first ever toy just weeks after it's launch, it was also shortlisted for another prestigious award in association with John Lewis and was featured in the notonthehighstreet Christmas catalogue.
* Won a Spirit of Small Business Award acknowledging how far my business has come in just four years (I still can't quite believe it!) and appeared in a national newspaper
* Was appointed to the Board of Directors for CHA UK
* Launched our YouTube channel with a tour of Hurley HQ
* Did my first ever public speaking engagement at the CHA UK One Big Show (shortly followed by my second and third!)
* Exhibited at our first Trade Show - Top Drawer London and booked again for this year - yay!
* Had this quote sent to me by SO many people that it seemed to be everywhere I looked, it definitely kept me strong through some tough times.
* On a personal note, we lost my Dad, suddenly, unexpectedly, heartbreakingly, my Dad's loss overshadowed the whole year for me, with no time to grieve I was back on TV just a few days later (as he would have wanted) I coped the only way I know how, by throwing myself into my work, something where I feel in control, and keeping the faith.
* Spent all of my free time creating, drawing, writing, making, the results of which you'll see over the course of the next year or two...
* Collaborated with some fantastic companies including Freckled Fawn, DCWV, Filofax...
and Collectif London (who I'm continuing to be an ambassador for this year - yay!)
* Agreed and signed the biggest deal of my life in a Minnie Mouse onesie... (although I've already mentioned this a little bit, there will more about that next year too *wink*)
* Booked my first trip to the CHA Mega Show (next week - eeeeek!) and another public speaking engagement as I do my Creative Blogging seminar that I first done at the One Big Show, at the Mega Show for a bigger audience (there is still time to book here if you're attending!)
* Rediscovered my love of this geeky Harry Potter Game (I taught B to play so I'd have an opponent!) got some time to play with Lego (yay!) and snuggle this little snuggle buggle (I can't leave Fuzzybutt out of my round up as she spends every day by my side!)
Last year I chose a 'One Little Word' which was Sparkle, if I'm honest I'm not sure I managed it, I certainly didn't feel very sparkly at the end of it. This year I'm not sure I have a word, I do however have a plan (a big one!), goals and a direction, I've managed to change my life completely in the last four years and I've not finished yet! So for the year ahead, rather than a word, I'll be living by this...
Whenever you try to achieve something, there will always be doubters, haters, people who try and knock you back down (usually because they are scared you might actually do it, or because they are too unmotivated or scared to follow their own dreams - it's easier to criticise or laugh at someone else's!) I'd like to thank each and every one of them, their doubt, their laughter, their horrible  comments have all kept me going during the darkest of times and I'm very proud to be proving them wrong, while they focus on what I'm doing, I'm focusing on my dreams. (Please feel free to right click and save this quote as your desktop as a reminder to keep going for your dreams in 2015!)

Of course none of this would be possible without B (and Fuzzybutt!), my family, friends and team who keep me sane(ish), make me tea, wipe my tears and celebrate our successes and all of you for your support reading this blog, leaving me messages and comments here and on social media, visiting my website, buying my products and accompanying me on this journey, I love each and every one of you *mwah!* now lets put the kettle on and see what the year ahead has in store... 

Thank you for dropping by today!
Sarah x


  1. I'm so sorry to her of the loss of your Dad in what was an amazing year for you

  2. Yes, there will always be doubters and haters, but as I like to remind myself, "What people think of me is none of my business." :-) Those of us who press on reap the rewards!

  3. well good on you... looking forward to hearing amazing things in 2015... an sure your Dad will be keeping his eye on you as you grow....
