
More Design Team News!

Today I would like to introduce Debs!

the second member of my design team and another Promarker fan! Debs lives in Yorkshire and is married to Dan, they have two children, Casey age 10 and Milly age 7 (who also loves Woodland Whimsies!) Apparently Debs makes amazing carrot cake (I will be needing proof of this at some point Debs! LOL) Debs also likes to sing karaoke (which is not as good as the carrot cake apparently!) and cross stitch. Take a look at her blog to check out her lovely work!

Thats it on the DT announcements for a few days now. However I am still looking for a few more peeps to share the load! Please see details below....

I look forward to seeing some of your work - judging by the emails I've had so far, it will be tough to choose!!

Now I have a screen test to prepare for tomorrow, samples to make, demo to prepare and outfit to find - wish me luck!!

Sarah x

1 comment:

  1. YAY! So glad Debs is on the design team, her work is gorgeous!!! Congrats Debs!

    Good luck with your screen test, Sarah. I'm sure you'll be just fine :) Looking forward to seeing you in action :D

    Meesh. xx
