
Screen Test!

So today I woke up with my tummy in knots because it was my screen test! The weird thing is I wasn't worried about the test itself, I always get nervous about the stuff around that - will the trains run ok, will the ticket machine be working, will I get there in time etc etc, silly really! Anyhow, I made it, in plenty of time and in one piece! Spent a little bit of time in the green room before being called through to my screen test with another guy who also had his. We had Ellis as our presenter and she was so lovely, really put me at ease - they count you down and before you know it, its over again! I know its a cliche but you really do forget the cameras are there!! Before I knew it I was waffling away, it was really quite fun!

Soooooooooo...... the upshot is, I passed! woo! and they were really pleased with it which was nice, so it will definitely be me on there with my CD on the 17th June, hope you will all watch!

Please don't forget my design team call from yesterday (see below) I've already had some fabby e-mails - this is so exciting, some really talented people!

Anyway, I'm off for a well deserved glass of wine now..... and with a big smile on my face :o)

Sarah x

1 comment:

  1. Glad everything went ok. Now go and enjoy your wine :)
