
Still Here!

I'm blogging early today in case I collapse in a heap later (again!) Ally Pally was a great show, so busy! and once again I was unwell (I'm recovering now!) but met some lovely people, had sooo many people come to watch the demos and try out the Ink-A-Balls and Ink Sprays which was fab :o) I even managed a bit of a shop last thing on Sunday snapping up some goodies from Lavinia Stamps, Sugar & Spice and the Artistic Stamper

Have spent the last day or two (when I havent been feeling sorry for myself under my duvet!) catching up with emails although I still have a few more to send, so if you're waiting for something from me - it's coming! Orders are up to date as of today - luckily OH takes care of all those! and now I'm back to the drawing board (literally!) whipping up some new creations for you all which will be available from my website and Crafts U Print very soon. For those of you that have asked I am working on a new CD which is scheduled to be released on 31st October (my favourite day - Halloween!!) There will be a little surprise with this one and you will be able to preorder next week once I have the front cover finalised to show you! I'm also doing some other design work which you will be hearing about soon.....

I have a new Guest Designer for October who I'll tell you all about tomorrow (which sadly means we say goodbye to Nicola today - she's been fab - thank you!!). In the meantime please pop over to the challenge blog and take a look at Shell's Challenge

Sarah x

Ally Pally

Have just finished boxing the last of my stock for Ally Pally after spending the day helping Karen crate all her stock - I'm now officially EXHAUSTED! and have to be up at 6.30am tomorrow! Tomorrow is set-up day - I hope you will come and check out all the fabby special offers Saturday and Sunday!!!

Sarah x

Crazy Day!

Today (well, yesterday now!) I've been helping at ScrapShed preparing for the Big Stamp & Scrapbooking show at Alexandra Palace - it was a CRAZY day trying to get everything ready, remember everything etc etc... although I can't wait - I get to demo my products for 2 days - yay! I've had lots of lovely messages from peeps to say they're coming and will drop by and say 'Hi' so can't wait to meet some new people :o) You will have to excuse the luggage under my eyes tho - I'm sooo tired!! (the sugar from the snickers I'm munching on is the only thing keeping going through this blog post!) I will smear a whole Touche Eclat under each eye in the vain hope I may resemble something human and not frighten anyone!

Anyway, bed for me now, tomorrow I'm going back to help finish off packing the crates and prepping my demo kit and stock so this time tomorrow expect to just hear the loud snores of me a dreamful sleep - nite nite zzzz.......

Sarah x

New Halloween Stuff!

Just a quick post as its STUPID o'clock in the morning and my eyes feel like I've been poked in them with sharp sticks but I just HAD to get the new halloween stuff online before I had any chance of sleep!

As you know the new 'Twilight' spray inks are in stock and proving VERY popular so snap yours up here!

As I just LOVE Halloween I've also started uploading some of the stuff I've been designing (there is more to come very very soon - yay!) tonight I uploaded a few more sheets and this fabbo mini digi kit...

Grab yours here for an absolutely bargainous £2.00!

Now I'm off to bed as I have a LOOOOOONG day tomorrow of sample making (I will be at Alexandra Palace at the weekend for the Big Stamp & Scrapbooking Show) and demo prep - I will be showing some fab techniques with the spray inks and Ink-A-Balls and generally hovering around the ScrapShed stand trying to be useful :o) thats stand 50 by the way so come and say hi! (and watch my demos - I think I'm on at 2pm both days - will confirm!)

I'm just going to write a quick post for the Afternoon Tea with our first DT showcase in readiness for the big reveal and subs details - I should have some news on when that will be very very soon - I'm itching to get my first kit and I know the other DT girls are too!

Sarah x

Our Anniversary

Sooo, one year ago I was presented with this fabulous ring and got engaged to my OH (yay!)

That was such a scary and happy day - at first I couldn't even look at it, it stayed in the box and I would keep opening and giggling and closing it again! Evetually though it made it on to my finger. I cant believe it's been a whole year since that day, it seems like just a few weeks ago!

Although this was unmistakeably a happy time, when I look back it's overshadowed by the sad loss of one of my closest friends. On the day I got engaged I hadn't heard the news and I was bubbling with excitement. My friend, Raj, was the guy that had looked after me the first day of school - I started late and I was the smallest kid in the class so they put me with this loud, funny, popular boy to be looked after. I thought for sure that day he would pick on me, but he didn't - instead he became one of my funniest, most caring and closest friends. He looked after me that day and continued to - always telling me when I needed a holiday, a day off or just a haircut! He kept me going through one of the worst times of my life and he was one of the first people I wanted to tell. However the day after we got engaged I found out that he had sadly died in his sleep a few days earlier, he was 29, fit and healthy and still its a mystery as to what happened. I know he is up there somewhere, I know he is happy for me and looking after me and I know he knows I miss him and think of him every single day without fail. RIP Dude x

So today, although I've been alternately happy and sad, and although I have been working I've had a lovely day :o) I still catch sight of my ring out of the corner of my eye and can't believe I'm engaged (I'm ENGAGED - scream!)

ooops, just realised I've just vented instead of saying anything about crafty stuff.... uhhh.... I didn't get chance to do any crafting today as I have been getting stuff ready for Ally Pally (I can't believe thats just next weekend) and catching up on admin stuff (not fun, but necessary!)

Don't forget to pop over to the Challenge Blog - this week is Dots and Spots, something I know loads of you love!!

Sarah x

Wednesday Already!!

Why didn't anyone tell me how fast the week was going?! Still so much to do and never enough time, isn't it always the way....

The lovely Debs has now launched her new Challenge website I mentioned earlier this week, it's especially for children which I think is a fab idea, everyone says how kids only love TV and video games these days but give them some paper, felt, glue, paint etc.. and they love to get creative, I can't wait to get my little squishies (thats sisters to normal people ;o) ) involved and was happy to help by designing their blog badges and sponsoring some challenges - please pop over and follow and get your little ones involved - you can find Messy's Mini Missions here!

Thank you to everyone who has ordered the 'Twilight' Ink Spray set, it's been a great response! If you haven't got yours yet go here to grab one before they're gone!

For those of you that asked, yes I will be at Ally Pally (The Big Stamp & Scrapbooking Show) I'm there with ScrapShed - stand 50 and will have all my products there for sale and will be demoing both days so I hope you will come and watch! Please be kind, I've been used to demoing in a studio with noone heckling for the last few months! LOL

Tomorrow is my anniversary (me and OH will have been engaged a year - a whole year!!) it still feels like yesterday and hasn't really sunk in yet (and no, we haven't yet set a date but we have bought a wedding magazine (which neither of us have had the courage to read yet) and decided we want to get married on Halloween (one year, we aren't sure which, LOL) we aren't very good at this wedding malarky are we?! but we will get there eventually!

Anyway, thats all from me tonight, see you all tomorrow!

Sarah x

The start of another busy week!

Off to the productive start of another busy week! Lots of updates in the shop with international shipping options, lots of new downloads and the new Limited Edition set of Sprays - if you love Twilight and Vampires and Halloween you're going to NEED these colours! They are LUSH and selling like hotcakes so make sure you get yours!
I've also started some new projects today which you will be seeing very soon and working on something for one of my friends who will will be telling you all about her new project soon - I'll be sure to let you know when its all up and running!

I'm still working on those Promarker tips and tricks I promised you and I promise to post them soon! For now, a couple of tips to help you get started...

* Test your pens on your chosen paper or cardstock first to get an idea of the bleed - or opt for Letraset paper which doesn't bleed!
* If you are stamping your image use my inkpads which have been specially formulated to help prevent bleed or Momento inkpads which also don't bleed (remember they only minimise bleed and aren't 100% bleedproof so dont do washes of colour over the lines), alternatively emboss your image first
* colour in circles rather than lines, it gives a smoother finish
* Start with your darkest colour and apply your shaded areas using your lighter colour to blend

Hope that helps you get started - don't be scared Promarkers are fantastic and once you get the hang of them you'll be hooked!

Happy colouring!

Sarah x

The end of a Busy Week!

So its Friday again, this one has seemed to take two weeks to come! But after a very busy week it is much welcomed. Today, amongst other things, I managed to do a whole layout! This is using some of my new sprays which will be on the website this weekend for you to get hold of and some of my current favourite papers. Firstly, from Collage Press's Scrooge and Marley range, this paper is sooo beautiful I LOVE it!

But of course, the only thing better than lovingly collecting and stroking paper is wrecking it! So I distrssed the edges with my scissors and ink and made it look like this instead...

Much better! Then I added a fine mist of one of my new sprays from the limited edition set. I also used a bit of Tim Holtz paper from the Lost and Found stack at the top and another of my mists on the background and at the sides.

And here is the final layout of my sisters, they were making zombie faces for me so I could use it in altered art, I don't think they had to try too hard ;o) mwahahahahahahaha

Have lovely weekends and pop back if you can to see the new products I'll be adding to my website over the weekend :o)

Sarah x

New Challenge

This weeks challenge is up! This week it was set by my September Guest Designer Nicola who also sent me a lovely box of samples which I received today :o)

I also received a delivery of new products today which will be on my website at the weekend - I hope you love them as much as I do! I will be making lots of samples with them tomorrow (hopefully!)

I also uploaded a couple of new downloads to Craftsuprint this week so please check them out!

Thats all for now, will try to post something a little more interesting tomorrow! (it's been a long day....)

Sarah x

Blog Award!

I forgot to mention on Sunday that the lovely Maria had given me a blog award!

she also said I only looked about 19 in my picture in Cardmaking & Papercraft magazine - I didn't even have to pay her or bribe her or anything! and to think I was considering botox now I've hit the big 3-0! She is now officially one of my favourite people :o)

I've just spent some time looking at all my DT's blogs - I do have them all on my google reader and I read them every night on my ipod before I drop off to sleep but you don't get to really see the pictures on that tiny screen and I can tell you i've been missing out on some fabby stuff! So please pop over and have a look at the lovely projects from Lisa, Donna, Clare and my September guest designer Nicola - a very talented bunch of ladies!

I will also be running some features on the Afternoon Tea design team starting this week so keep an eye out for them over on the blog - these are being done as a countdown to subscriptions opening and kits going on sale!

I'm off for a bit more drawing now before bed - I have some FANTASTIC new products going on the website at the weekend including some fab Halloween stuff and limited editions - woooooo!

Sarah x

A Lazy (ish) Sunday

Started the day working on my Creative Entrepreneur journal, my little sister bought me the Creative Entreprenuer book for my birthday and I have been working on my journal for the last few weeks following the exercises in the book, I have to say I've had some quite surprising results but its nice to get everuything on paper and really does give you a clear road map of where you're going and what you want to achieve!

I tried to make OH a pie for Sunday dinner, it looked yummy but didn't taste quite as I had expected unfortunately, I'm not the greatest cook on the world* (*understatement of the year) but my pie is usually OK! I'm losing the few cooking skills I did possess! Ah well, I barely do it anyway so I don't spose it matters that much and he enjoyed it - quote "I quite like it when it's all soggy" bwahahahahhaha!

And I did go to the trouble of fashioning our initials and a heart out of the remaining pastry - that makes up for it lacking a bit in the taste department right?

This afternoon I uploaded a few more downloads to Craftsuprint, they havent't been verified as of right now but you should be able to see them soon! I'm off to doodle a few things for my own site now. I also tested some colours for a limited edition set of sprays coming to the website soon, so look out for those!! I also need to work on some things for the other things I have going on in the background although I will be doing that from the comfort of the sofa snuggled up with OH and fuzzybutt :o)

Luckily I treated myself to a chocolate cherry cake from M&S yesterday so some of that with some Sainsburys Chantilly vanilla cream has made up for my pie attempt!

I'm on the hunt for another book to read after finishing Eat, Pray, Love (thank you to whoever recommended that one!) so any recommendations please??

Sarah x


There is a new challenge up on the Challenge Blog - something 3D! The design team have made some lovely projects so I hope you will pop over and take a look and join us! You still have time to join last weeks Monochrome challenge if you hurry! it closes at midnight tomorrow.

For the 3D challenge I used my Doodle Doll canvas which you may have seen on Create & Craft last time I was on - for the background I used my spray inks in teal and lime and then added my Doodle Doll collage sheets layered up and coloured with Promarkers. The alphabet will be available soon as a dowload on my website. You can get your own spray inks and Doodle Doll collage sheets and downloads from my website.

This weekend I'm working on my next CD and some downloads which will be available from my website very soon! But first off shopping as the cupboards are once again bare!

This morning I received a box of samples from the lovely Donna, and I have to say they were all AMAZING! Thanks Donna :o)

Have good weekends!

Sarah x

September Guest Designer

Just a quick post to welcome our September guest designer - Nicola!

Nicola is joining us with some fab creations - she already makes samples for My Craft Studio and I'm so pleased to have got her to join me for a month - please pop over to her blog and give her a welcome!

Sarah x