
New Halloween Stuff!

Just a quick post as its STUPID o'clock in the morning and my eyes feel like I've been poked in them with sharp sticks but I just HAD to get the new halloween stuff online before I had any chance of sleep!

As you know the new 'Twilight' spray inks are in stock and proving VERY popular so snap yours up here!

As I just LOVE Halloween I've also started uploading some of the stuff I've been designing (there is more to come very very soon - yay!) tonight I uploaded a few more sheets and this fabbo mini digi kit...

Grab yours here for an absolutely bargainous £2.00!

Now I'm off to bed as I have a LOOOOOONG day tomorrow of sample making (I will be at Alexandra Palace at the weekend for the Big Stamp & Scrapbooking Show) and demo prep - I will be showing some fab techniques with the spray inks and Ink-A-Balls and generally hovering around the ScrapShed stand trying to be useful :o) thats stand 50 by the way so come and say hi! (and watch my demos - I think I'm on at 2pm both days - will confirm!)

I'm just going to write a quick post for the Afternoon Tea with our first DT showcase in readiness for the big reveal and subs details - I should have some news on when that will be very very soon - I'm itching to get my first kit and I know the other DT girls are too!

Sarah x

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