
Our Anniversary

Sooo, one year ago I was presented with this fabulous ring and got engaged to my OH (yay!)

That was such a scary and happy day - at first I couldn't even look at it, it stayed in the box and I would keep opening and giggling and closing it again! Evetually though it made it on to my finger. I cant believe it's been a whole year since that day, it seems like just a few weeks ago!

Although this was unmistakeably a happy time, when I look back it's overshadowed by the sad loss of one of my closest friends. On the day I got engaged I hadn't heard the news and I was bubbling with excitement. My friend, Raj, was the guy that had looked after me the first day of school - I started late and I was the smallest kid in the class so they put me with this loud, funny, popular boy to be looked after. I thought for sure that day he would pick on me, but he didn't - instead he became one of my funniest, most caring and closest friends. He looked after me that day and continued to - always telling me when I needed a holiday, a day off or just a haircut! He kept me going through one of the worst times of my life and he was one of the first people I wanted to tell. However the day after we got engaged I found out that he had sadly died in his sleep a few days earlier, he was 29, fit and healthy and still its a mystery as to what happened. I know he is up there somewhere, I know he is happy for me and looking after me and I know he knows I miss him and think of him every single day without fail. RIP Dude x

So today, although I've been alternately happy and sad, and although I have been working I've had a lovely day :o) I still catch sight of my ring out of the corner of my eye and can't believe I'm engaged (I'm ENGAGED - scream!)

ooops, just realised I've just vented instead of saying anything about crafty stuff.... uhhh.... I didn't get chance to do any crafting today as I have been getting stuff ready for Ally Pally (I can't believe thats just next weekend) and catching up on admin stuff (not fun, but necessary!)

Don't forget to pop over to the Challenge Blog - this week is Dots and Spots, something I know loads of you love!!

Sarah x


  1. awww this has made me cry, I am certain your friend is looking from above with all the nice angels. Hope you had a lovely day.

  2. Congrats on your Anniversary - and i am sure your friend would want you to celebrate and make the most of every day
    Lisa ;)
