
Being a bit remiss.....

I've been a bit of a lazy blogger the last week or two for which I apologies. I have been unwell and busy and trying to get lots of things in order (although I'm not making excuses!) I will start being more interesting - promise!! Thank you to those that sent me lovely messages to check I was OK.

Firstly as its now October (seriously, where did September go?!) we have a new Guest Designer, Sarah! Sarah is on a few design teams and demos Promarkers (a shared obssession!) She will be setting tomorrows challenge so please pop over to have a look! In the meantime, you can see her fab cretaions on her blog here.

Also, there is a lovely feature in papercraft Essentials magazine this month, Patsy Jackson shows how you can use Woodland Whimsies to make halloween cards! pick up your copy :o)

I have just finished putting together a collection for another magazine which I will tell you more about nearer to the publication date! and I'm still working busily on more downloads and my next CD.

Also, during the past few weeks i've realised I can't manage with my existing number of Design Team helpers - I wanted to try and keep my Dt quite small as I know all the girls quite well now, we are all friendly and love working together and I didnt want a big team where it became impersonal however the workload is growing and if one is sick / busy etc.. it just becomes unmanageable! So I'm holding an ongoing call for DT people, there is no specified closing date I just want to hear from you if you would like to join us and can committ to participating in weekly challenges and other projects, please send me an email telling me a little bit about you with some examples of your work. Some will be full time DT's and others I will call on for guest positions. you can e-mail me here!

Thanks so much! Now I'm off for some long overdue dinner!!

Sarah x

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