
A little box of happiness....

Today I received a little (well, quite big actually) box of happiness in the mail all the way from the USA - my Studio Calico kit - yay! guaranteed to cheer a girl up any day and well deserved I think!

Yesterday I had yet ANOTHER doctors appointment, although this time with a bit of a breakthrough, after almost a year I finally have a diagnosis, not a great one but at least now I know I can deal with it! I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or ME as some of you may know it. It was a bit of a shock as I thought I just had a virus or something I could take some antibiotics for! Anyway... I won't dwell too much as I'm trying not to think about it too much at the moment!

I've been working really hard to finish up the latest CD - they should be going out to the Design Team next week, all being well, I've loved working on this one so much! Details and sneaky peeks coming soon :o)

Don't forget I'm still looking for some DT peeps - see this post - UK and International welcome - thank you to everyone who has emailed me, I will be in touch VERY soon!

I hope you will all join in the challenge this week as we have a wonderful sponsor this week who has donated a lovely prize!! I will post all the info on Thursday with the new challenge (there is still a few days to enter the latest one as well!)

Hugs and Stuff
Sarah x


  1. Hugs to you hun, here if you ever need a chat xxx

  2. Sarah, I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I am sure you are soooo tired and weary feeling. Thanks so much for sharing so much of yourself with us!
