
The End of a Hectic Week

I'm so pleased that it's Friday today, the end of a very up and down, emotional and crazy week.

I've completed 4 deadlines (including the ginormous Bologna Book Fair one, yay!) designed a new collection of digi stamps coming to the website next week (sign up to my newsletter here if you want an update on when!) started working on some others which I hope to finish soon and picked up some other lovely jobs that I can't wait to start, I have also been getting to know all of the new DT girls a bit better, they're a lovely lot I have to say and I'm so looking forward to working with them all! I will do some more personal intros over the course of next week so you can get to know them a bit better, there might even be a little Blog Candy so make sure you're following so you don't miss out!!

I have a whole weekend of crafting ahead of me which I think will be some much needed therapy :o)

Also, the lovely illustrator Lyn Stone, and one of my favourite tweety peeps has set up her own blog this week - please pop over and follow her here.

Finally, Thank You again to everyone for your lovely messages this week regarding my uncle. I'm pleased to say that the man arrested and charged has been remanded in custody until the 8th June. All we can do now is hope for the right result. I can't say too much at this stage because of the trial but I will keep you posted as and when I can.

Have lovely weekends!
Sarah x


  1. OMG Sarah, I've just caught up with your news. I am so sorry to hear about your Uncle, what an absolutely horrible thing to happen. I do hope that you and your family are all right. I am thinking of you. Kimx

  2. I just scrolled down to see what happened...I am SO SORRY to hear about this. How horrible and hopefully the man they caught will face the consequences of his action. Prayers to you and your family.

  3. I am so sorry about all of this other stuff that is going on in your life ~ but happy for your new team and your direction you are going with your "talent". sending prayers!!!
