

The newest members of my Design Team - just a few more than the 4 or 5 I had planned on!! but in my defence there were so many entries and such a lot of talented people in a wide range of areas with different styles and all of them will be put to good use in my future endeavours! Lots of new things coming soon, wooo!

Sooo, the new peeps are...

Please give them a warm welcome!

They join the existing DT members Lisa, Claire, Amanda, Melly, Patsi and Ev

I will introduce them a little bit more over the next week or so, not really practical to do it all in one blog post or your eyes will probably drop out before you get to the bottom!

In the meantime though please pop over to their blogs and take a look and say hello.

Finally, I just want to say a big thank you to everyone that left me lovely comments yesterday and took the time to send me e-mails, texts, twitter and facebook messages, all are very much appreciated, thank you

Sarah x


  1. Thanks for inviting me to be on your team Sarah, looking forward to working with you & the rest of the team

  2. So many talented ladies. This is going to be fun! Thanks for adding me to your team and I look forward to playing with all of you!!

  3. Thanks Sarah.... can't wait! Jo xxx

  4. congrats. can't wait to see your stuff.

  5. thanks sarah and congrats to the team! i can't wait to get started with the rest of the team :)


  6. Congrats ladies! Great choices, Sarah :)
