
Thank You

Yesterday I tweeted the sad news that my 80 year old uncle had been murdered in his home in Hainault, Essex. Lots of people 'retweeted' for me and sent me lovely messages of support and I thank you all for your kindness.

We have heard this morning that a man has been arrested on suspiscion of the murder and we hope that this is it.

Obviously this news is totoally shocking for my family and I and we hope that the right person has been caught.

I know some of my blog readers are from my little corner of Essex and if you have any further information that could help (the police are trying to find out where he went in the hours before he died) please contact the police - you can read the full story here.

Thank you again

Sarah x


  1. Hi sarah
    so sorry to hear your shocking news. I hope you and your family are coping okay. All your blog buddies are thinking of you
    hugs sarah x

  2. Hi Sarah,
    I'm so sorry! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
    Sending big hugs your way,
    Kelly Deal

  3. Sarah, what awful news to read about. It is shocking to see what the world has come to at times. My thoughts are with you, your family and all those that knew your uncle. Kym xxx

  4. oh sarah, this breaks my heart and i'm so sorry to hear about this. my thoughts and prayers are with you all. xo


  5. That is shocking! I'm so sorry for your sad news and my best wishes and thoughts are with you and your family.

    Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

  6. My feelings, even far away, my heart is with you.
    With love.

  7. omg! how awful. hugs and prayers for you and your families.

  8. This breaks my heart. Many prayers for you and your family!

  9. Hugs and prayers to you. So sorry for your terrible loss. What a handsome man. I sent an email, but I imagine you are getting a ton of them, so this might be better for you. I hope you find comfort in all of the thoughts and prayers coming your way from around the world!

  10. Such tragic news, I am so sorry x

  11. I am so sorry about your uncle. I do hope they catch the suspect and he gets punished for the crime.
    Sending you and your family a big HUG.

  12. This is shocking news Sarah. I'm so sorry and I'll be thinking of you.
