
Catching Up!

I've had about 10 emails today asking if I'm OK as I haven't blogged since Wednesday (eeeek!) and I've not been tweeting much - oooops! sorry I didn't mean to disappear like that I just got caught up with things and didn't realise it had been that long!

So, here is what you missed...

Thursday I caught up on lots of illustration work, I had an email from my agent regarding a book that is in discussion and I was working on some rough sketches for that, I'm keeping everything crossed for that project because I think it will be a corker!

Friday my sister and friend were in town to see Take That so I met them for breakfast, coffee and gossip in the West End before a quick visit to Hamleys, here is me with Lego Darth Vader - my dad will love this pic! (I however do not, the lighting is terrible in there and makes me look horrible! LOL)

After that I met my friend Emma at Piccadilly where we visited a tiny craft market in the grounds of a church before coffee and catching up with everything thats been happening (lots of clapping and excited squealing, LOL) then we wandered along to Bond Street passing by for a snoop at Vogue House to see if we could maybe catch a peek of the next issue (no such luck!) before a trip to Alessi where we coveted pretty egg cups and pen holders (which were sadly too small for our Promarkers) and then onto Butler and Wilson where we gazed at sparkly things in wonderment, I think we tried on every piece between the two of us!

As for the weekend I have been locked in my studio, sadly not creating for most of it but tidying and clearing and making space for the new things arriving - there is now space to be filled - yay! I did get the chance to make a start on a few projects this evening so I will be showing those next week :o)

I promise to be a better blogger next week!

Sarah x


  1. love this post especially the "lots of clapping and excited squealing " bits !!!!! xx

  2. I love the picture, Darth is huge!!! Just imagine what would have happened if you had a dizzy moment and fell againsed him!! Rest of the afternoon trying to rebuild him!!

  3. WOW! Look at Darth! Wonder how long it took to create him. Hope you had a productive weekend - what motivation to clean though! LOL!! Have a great week!

  4. OMG Sarah check you out standing next to Darth. I'm not too sure whos's more scared though him or you getting your picture taken lol. Seriously though you do look gorgeous and I love your dress with the bow.So happy to see you again in blog land I have so missed you and your stories.

    take care
    Clare x

  5. Fabulous photo and you look lovely, as always!! :)
    Still lots of hand clapping and excited squealing, happening and thank you for a lovely afternoon on Friday but next time, we take the credit cards and spend!! B&W and Alessi won't know what hit them!
    Love and hugs, Emma xxx

  6. i am your father - well i'm not really - but Hi :)
    oooooh - a book...that is soooooo cool!! Good luck with that :) :)
    Glad the tidying went well - how long until you can fill it with yummy things? lol :)
    mmmmmmmmmmmmm eggcups!!!
    Glad you are well ..... and that is a lovely photo of you...bad lighting or not :P
