
A Creative Day

Now my studio is all tidy and I have space (although the Fedex man arrived at 7am with boxes to fill some of that!) I decided to get cracking on the long list of projects I have to do so today I was covered in paint, ink, marker, glue, medium, you name it! Most of which are in various stages of drying and are not ready to show yet but which I will be showing you over the next few days.

Here are a couple of quick cards I made with some scraps while I was waiting for various things to dry etc...

Today was obviously a flowery day! Most of the bits used are October Afternoon and Crate Paper.

At the weekend I sorted my papers by manufacturer (replacing my old system of paper just being put in the top box and then moved around while I was looking for things - just a piece of advice for you, that system does NOT work!) while I was sorting I found that most of my paper is October Afternoon, I wasn't too surprised, I tend to buy 2 of everything! LOL

While I was working I carried on watching Desperate Housewives - I'm on the last DVD of series 6 now so I'll be finished soon, I don't know what I'll do after that! Fingers crossed series 7 is out soon, I might try 'Mad Men' in the meantime, I've only seen one episode but it was pretty good, any recommendations? (I've got a LOT of studio time over the next few weeks and need entertaining!)

Sarah x


  1. Am big Mad Men fan and recommend watching it, warning it will corrupt you though and you might produce work that isn’t as sweet and charming as your current work!

  2. sounds like a really fun day to me~the cards are super cute~

  3. They're fab Sarah, oooh Fedex boxes... sounds interesting :D.

  4. LOVE both these cards- absolutely gorgeous. Mad Men is the way to go- you'll be hooked and wanting more. I've heard True Blood is amazing- I don't haver cable anymore so I've missed most of it.
