

I'd like to say a BIG thank you to everyone who has taken the time out to send me messages of congratulations via Twitter, Facebook, Text, Email and comments here on my blog regarding my big news last week, I'm so grateful for all of them! This is a very exciting time and I'm so pleased to have so much support (I must give a special mention to my Design Team girls here who have been fabulous and who I would be completely lost without!)

For the last few days I have been working super hard on planning the first lot of products you will see and getting the designs ready for production. B is on holiday this week and yesterday took me out for the afternoon to celebrate, a blissful day in the midst of all the craziness! and today we have been moving rooms round and painting so I can have a bigger studio as I literally have no room at all left now, I can't grow out of this one though as its the biggest room in the house so I have nowhere left to go! LOL

The new things I have taken on (including secrets 2 & 3 which I can't share just yet) means I have have sadly had to give up a few of my design positions, so for all you digi designers out there, the good news is that GallimaufryUK is now looking for someone to replace me, she produces beautiful kits and she's great to work with. She would like someone to create digital (and hybrid if you do that!) projects using the kits and also to run the Twitter account (just a few posts a week) if you are interested please click here to send her an email.

Don't forget my Design Team call is also still open, if you would like to join our friendly little team and be one of the first to get your hands on the fab new things coming then you can view all the details here.

Now I really must crack on with some work, I will be back with a crafty project tomorrow!

Sarah x

1 comment:

  1. All good things must come to an end, but sounds like you are moving on to bigger and brighter things.
