

As you may have gathered by now, I'm no good at keeping secrets, I do keep them but I can literally feel the secret bubbling away inside of me and I feel jittery and excited the whole time just waiting to burst and tell everyone at the very first moment that I possibly can! For the last few weeks and months I have been keeping 3 absolutely whopping great secrets and it's absolutely killing me! but now I can share one of them, that will help me keep the other 2 bottled up for a bit longer without bursting!

So here goes, secret number one, it's a biggy, I'm so excited, so thrilled to tell you that from the 1st September my brand of craft products will be licensed and distributed worldwide by an amazing UK craft products distributor, Craftime! Their expertise will allow me to concentrate on the things I'm best at (drawing, making things, coffee drinking, faffing about etc...) while they handle all of the other stuff :o) Their support also means that you will be seeing lots of fabbo new products from me including lovely strokeable touchable paper, embellishments and much more and all of these products will be available from a lot more of your local and favourite craft shops and websites (if you are a craft stockist and would like to receive updates please email your details here and I will pass them on to Craftime for the mailing list). They are so excited about my brand and have welcomed me into their 'family' so wholeheartedly that I just can't wait to see what this partnership brings!

Yesterday I spent the day with the team, meeting everyone who will handle every aspect of my range, we ran over all of my ideas, discussed products, collections, themes and ideas and tied up all the releases you will see from me for the next year to 18 months (and there are a LOT!) and now I have to crack on with getting all of those designed! It's a manic but super exciting time!!

I'll be sharing more details soon, but for now I have some super crazy deadlines!

Sarah x


  1. Flippin' heck that's brilliant ! Congrats ! xoxoxoxoxo Fab

  2. Well Done Sarah ......... Thanks for sharing your Brilliant News ......if you could just send a little of your 'fairy dust' my way .... Thanks x

  3. Oh how exciting-congratulations!

  4. Yay Sarah, Well done you!!!! So proud to be part of your team & to be joining you on this very exciting adventure.

  5. Brilliant news, thrilled for you, you go girl!!! Mel :o)

  6. Congratulations! that is VERY exciting news! Enjoy!

  7. YAY!!! FABULOUS news and just the start of your world domination in craft!! hehe... So honoured to be a part of your team and to be able to work alongside someone who deserves every bit of all this success!! :)
    Love Emma xx

  8. It's the best news Sarah and I'm so proud to be part of your team.

  9. Uber Congratualtions!!!!!! This is so exciting. I can't wait to see all the releases!

  10. That is brilliant news Sarah! Big Congrats! Kimx

  11. Congrats! Congrats! Congrats! That is super exciting news!Good luck with starting your line!!! -Amanda

  12. Well done indeed! What a fun, crazy time for you. Lap it all up; every moment but remember to take rest time too - don't overdo it or your mojo will suffer.

  13. OMG CONGRATULATIONS! Such excellent news!

    I shall have to tell Nottingham Anni the good news, as she used to shop at Craftime so now she'll be able to pick up and stock your products!

    You are on a roll chick!
    Karen xxx

  14. Ohhh, exciting!!! Congratulations!!!
