
Using Promarkers on Wood

As you may know your Promarkers can be used on many different surfaces including wood, glass and fabric - they are so versatile so don't just limit them to your stamped images!

Here is an altered bird house I made recently, the whole thing is coloured and shaded with Promarkers (including the stamped image of course!)

So many possibilities! and this project took no time at all as I didn't have to wait for paint to dry before doing the other sides etc etc... quick and easy but very effective, love it!

Now I have some more last minute prep to do for a meeting tomorrow (eeek!) I've been working flat out, so exciting! but I want to try and get an early night tonight (insomnia permitting of course!) as I have to be up at stupid o'clock for my train. 

 A big 'Thank You' to everyone who has entered the DT call so far! and for those who haven't, what are you waiting for?! see all the details here.
 Sarah x


  1. So cute! Just be careful and don't wear yourself out lady!!
    Take Care Sarah xxx

  2. Oh wow!! What a FABULOUS little's gorgeous, lovey!!
    Sounds like you and I are having the same type of week...busy, busy, busy!! Be safe tomorrow and get some sleep!! Let me know how it goes... :)
    Love Emma xxx

  3. LOVE the red roof !!!!

  4. That is fantastic Sarah, I want that birdhouse :D

  5. "stupid o'clock". lol! That cracked me up! Love the birdhouse! Very pretty!:-) Good luck at your meeting tomorrow!

  6. fabulous birdhouse Sarah and it's great to see other uses for our beloved promarkers.Goodluck today you'll knock em dead for sure.

    hugs Clare x

  7. it's lovely!The colours look great on that wood.
