
Something New & Exciting! - Sharing Inspiration...

One of the reasons I love my job so much is I love to share inspiration. Thanks to all of the fabulous retailers out there we can all get access to crafty products fairly easily, however in those moments where our mojo runs off with the circus (at least once a week and usually when I'm on a deadline!) it can be much harder to find inspiration! well no longer will that be a problem, if you log onto my blog or the Challenge blog you will now see this option at the top...
A DT inspiration Gallery! If you click through you will get to a flickr photostream of past and present DT work, I have gone through all of the DT work over the last few weeks, old and new, and brought to you a wide range of projects for each of my different products, you can browse through the whole gallery or click on one of the sets at the side to go through to the projects for a specific product range.
When I've done demo's on TV or at shows I get a ton of emails over the next few days asking if I can post the samples on my blog or website for you to see so you can get the same results at home when you get your products from me. I'm also lucky enough to have a wonderful design team bringing you great inspiration on the Challenge blog every fortnight however this work can get lost scrolling back over the weeks, this aims to collate it all in one place and we will be keeping this up to date as new products are released and there will be some great new features coming soon also!

(I hate to have to write this part but.... please take note that the work shown is the original work of myself and my Design Team, I am happy for you to use my projects for your inspiration but please do not copy them for publication, contests or resale - thank you!)

Now I must get back to work on some more things to bring to you soon, as well as trying to keep warm snuggling under a blanket. I've bribed Fuzzybutt to lay on my icy feet in exchange for sharing it - keeps us both warm and happy! :o)

Thanks for dropping by today
Sarah x