
November Round-Up

November absolutely flew past! Time really does fly when you're having fun, or when you're unspeakably busy (in my case both!) and never leave your desk! lol. So here is a little round up...

I spent most of the month working on finalising my new craft ranges for the launch early next year (that sounds ages away when you say it like that but its just a few weeks now so keep an eye out for those sneak peeks!) I worked flat out and got everything done by my deadline - phew!

It got really really REALLY cold (yay! I love winter) and I used my lack of 'getting ready' time in the mornings to accessorise with cute, and more importantly, warm! knitted hairbands. My sister surprised me completely by sending me a gift in the post, this FAB-u-lous barbie style ring, I haven't put it away yet, its amazing!
Any free time I got was spent snuggling with Fuzzybutt under a duvet trying to keep warm and catching up on my trashy TV - it helps my brain switch off (thats my excuse and I'm sticking to it! lol) Most of the time I was sketching as well - sometimes stepping away from the computer helps your brain slow down and gives you time to think of the really great ideas!
I treated myself to one day out and met Emma at Selfridges for Christmas shopping and our much needed Starbucks! I also treated myself to a Red Velvet cupcake from Lola's in Selfridges to celebrate some good news (which I will share soon!)
I sent out these postcards to my illustration clients letting them know of my updated website and some new work in my portfolio and got a great response,  I have some great projects in the pipeline and I'm really excited to get back into illustration as well as desigining for craft things - I think I love both equally! (if you didn't receive one and would like one please contact me here and let me know - I have a few left!)
The most popular blog posts of the month were my Felt Owls, the Tinseltown Christmas Village, Sharing my Illustration Process, Tips for Selling your Handmade Cards & the Tinseltown Calendar.

Now (after some catching up) I'm working on some great things which I'll be bringing to you very soon - the first one later this week! We will also have some more Tinseltown inspiration for you tomorrow - don't miss it!

Sarah x


  1. Another busy month Sarah, looking forward to seeing your sneak peeks
    Claire xx

  2. Exciting times Sarah :-) Elaine-xxx-

  3. I'm always interested in what you are up to. Looking forwrad to your new work!!!!

  4. Love that ring Sarah & your headband is fab.
    C xx

  5. Hi Sarah! Nice to see you and your dog again!

