
A New Year, A New Start...

I love new beginnings, spring cleaning, organising, throwing out old things, re-focusing on goals and making plans, exciting times! New years resiolutions are the perfect way to do this.

Last Year my resolutions were:

To cut anyone toxic from my life - I think I pretty much achieved this and on doing so made room in my life to become closer to other people who are true friends, so glad I made this one!

To spend more time creating - I definitely did this!!!

To be Brave - I tried my very best and think I managed it pretty well

To be ME all of the time, not conform - yup!

To enjoy the moment - this one I struggled with the most and I will be working on it again this year, I've always been a 'whats next' type of person but I need to enjoy the here and now too

To concentrate on Change - (my one little word for last year) - well a lot of things changed so I guess this one is done too! :o)

And now for this years resolutions...

To be nicer to myself - a difficult one for most people but this year I resolve to cut out the doubting voices in my head, be more positive and not berate myself for little mistakes or when things don't go to plan, just change the plan!

To continue to be Brave - something to be reminded of on a daily basis - a great tool for me has been the Brave Girls Club daily emails - it gets my day off to a great start!

To start making a quilt - I've been collecting vintage fabrics for a quilt for years and still haven't started - this year is the year!

To get our home looking the way we want - this is something we constantly get distracted from in the busyness of everyday life but I'm determined to finish it before we get married next year

To enjoy the moment - I will master this this year - definitely!!

and my one little word for this year is...

I need to BELIEVE in myself, trust in my own decisions and not question myself and BELIEVE that things are happening for a reason even if they don't quite fit the plan - plans are adaptable and if things don't go quite right there is usually a good reason.

I know this is going to be a fantastic year and I can't wait to see what happens along the way!

if you've made a NY resolution post please leave me your link, I love to see what others are doing, it's so inspiring :o)

I hope you'll pop back tomorrow as I'm launching something brand new and exciting that myself and my design team have been working on for ages - we are literally bursting to tell! (so much so that I've posted a sneaky peek on my Facebook page today if you'd like to take a look) full details tomorrow - promise!

Sarah x


  1. Sarah~wishing the BEST year yet for you!!!!

  2. Wow! What great resolutions, I might just have to adopt those as well, if you don't mind? & wishing you a fabulous year!

  3. Lovely Uplifting post thanks Sarah x
    Happy New Year to you ..... I Believe !!! x

  4. Great post. My word is 'gratitude'. Mainly because on bad days, there is always something to be grateful for; I just need to remember to focus on that. I've started a little photo project which is just taking a photo a day really, which is one way I'm hoping will help me keep focused on even the tiniest good things. I don't want to start accepting second best all the time though, so that's like an off-shoot- to strive to improve.

  5. Actually, I should put that on my blog!! :-)
