
Looking Back - 2011

I can't believe New Year is here already, and what a crazy year this one has been, as I look back over everything thats happened it's hard to believe it all happened in just one year! it just goes to show how quickly things can change. So here is my year in review...

* For the first time I had my illustration work shown at the Bologna, London and Frankfurt book fairs - a huge development and one that was just the start of so many exciting things!
* My designs and projects were featured regularly in Making Cards magazine as well as popping up in a few others from time to time ;o)
* I released 3 CD's - Oz, Wonderland and Tinseltown
* I was lucky enough to start working with some fabulous companies, Provocraft, Fuji and Basically Bare (adding to my existing clients Derwent, Letraset and Kuretake - pinch me!)
* I was asked to design a range of greeting cards - more about that next year!
* I designed some craft products for another company - more about that next year too!
* I guest designed for Punky Scraps
* My blog and website had a makeover
* I still have 2 secrets I still can't share yet - gahhhhhhhhh! lol

Of course, I can't not mention, I signed my licensing and distribution deal with Craftime - a HUGE thing for me that gave me the freedom to bring you so many more great products, you can read more about that here and here - still so excited when I think about this!! and almost ready for my launch which is now only weeks away!!!

Of course all of this has left no time for me to do any TV shows for a while now but rest assured, things are happening! details soon ;o) 
My Favourite Craft Projects of the year
 My Favourite Illustration Projects of the year

As for my personal life, me and B have started to plan our wedding *squeal* and working on getting our home how we want it (it was previously his bachelor pad so not really to my taste, lol) I loved spending so much time working from home with Fuzzybutt by my side and B coming home for lunch. I was also lucky enough to be able to spend time with great friends and family this year, I've definitely learned some lessons in that area (but we all make mistakes!) - overall, I have to say, I'm a lucky girl!

On a sad note, many of you read the story on my blog or twitter of the murder of my Uncle Bert, myself and my family are so grateful for your support and messages of kindness during such a difficult time. I'm pleased to say that a man was arrested and that after some delays, the trial begins in January, we can only hope now that justice is done.

I'd also like to say a MASSIVE 'thank you' to all of you for reading my blog, following me on twitter and facebook and for all of  your comments and emails  and of course for the products of mine that you bought and for sharing the projects you made with them, all of that is what makes my job worthwhile!

And a final 'Thank You' to the best group of girls I could ever wish to work with, I'm lucky enough to have become friends with and work with, these fantastic ladies this year - to my Design Team! The most talented, hard working and supportive people - I look forward to working with them all again in the New Year - thank you to every one of you and the unique contribution you bring!

And on that note, I wish you all a very Happy New Year!

Sarah x


  1. Sounds like you've had a great year! Happy New Year! :)

  2. What a year Sarah, you deserve all your success and i'm so looking forward to hearing all about your wedding plans as well as your secret news lol.
    Happy New Year
    love and hugs
    Claire xx

  3. Wow a busy and productive year Sarah .. here's hoping 2012 is a Happy, Healthy and succesful year
    Lisa x

  4. Wow, 2011 was fantastic year for you, creatively! Sounds like 2012 will be even better! Happy New Year!

  5. Wow what a year and I have a feeling 2012 will be bigger than ever. As part of the design team I'd just like to say it's an absolute pleasure to work for you and I look forward to all the exciting times ahead. Lots of love for the New Year.

  6. Happy new year to you too :D
    Well 2011 was a busy year & I'll bet that 2012 will be even busier & contain even more inky crafty mess ;oD
    C xx

  7. Wow Sarah! I hope that 2012 is as good if not better and full of lovely stuff! I look forward to catching up with you soon! Happy New Year! Kimx

  8. you have had an awesome year~ very deserving also!!! you work hard and your work is so good!!!Hoping for over the moon awesome this year for you!!!
