
Cookery Corner - Mushroom Risotto

Werlcome to my first 'Cookery Corner' blog post!

I was a bit nervous about starting this little blog series, I've never been an expert chef, but I've always enjoyed making things, whether they are from paper, fabric or food! I was determined to be good at cooking, it was something I always enjoyed, even when the results weeren't quite what I'd hoped, and when I want to do something I never give up until I achieve it, however slow the progress!

Well after much practice, quite recently, something clicked, at first I thought it was fluke, had I really made something *that* delicious? could it be?! well, it seems it did and it wasn't just a fluke, after practice, determination, studying and refining (all self taught, no classes) I've finally cracked it! I decided to spend a few months practicing some more, making sure I could do it, before I started this feature and sharing my dishes with all of you, but I finally feel ready to share my first recipe with you.

I don't cook fancy food, there will be very little swirly plate stuff and no fancy ingredients that cost a squillion pounds per ounce, but I can promise you it will all be good, delicious, home cooked food that you will love and can whip up quickly (I don't have hours for cooking one meal and I'm sure you don't either!)and relatively easily and thats what's important!

My first recipe is one of my favourites, one of the first things I perfected, my delicious Mushroom Risotto...
 Mushroom Risotto (serves 2)


200 grams of Risotto Rice
1 pint of chicken stock (or vegetable for the vegetarian version)
4 chestnut mushrooms (you can use regular mushrooms but the flavour of these is exquisite - trust me!)
1 1/2 teaspoons of butter
a splash of white wine (and a glass for the chef ;o) )

Melt the butter in a large non stick frying pan over a medium heat
Slice the mushrooms and stir in, allow the mushrooms to absorb most of the butter
Add the Risotto Rice and fold into the butter so the rice becomes coated in butter
Slowly start to add the stock, a little at the time (about a ladleful at a time is perfect) continually stirring, as the stock absorbs slowly add more (don't be tempted to chuck the whole lot in and leave it - this really needs to be done slowly!)
after about 15 minutes the rice should start to look glossy and there should be very little liquid, add the splash of white wine and the last tiny bit of stock and a knob of butter, cover the pan and leave to simmer for a few minutes - the rice should be soft with a slight bite to it and deliciously rich and creamy.
Serve immediately - great with chicken (or Quorn), prawns, crusty bread or just on its own!

I hope you love this as much as we do! Let me know what you think :o)

Thanks for popping by!
Sarah x

p.s. if you're looking for the giveaway, please see the post below


  1. I've never had this but have heard about on cooking shows~It does look good:):)

    1. thanks Connie, it does taste lovely, try it! :o)

      Sarah x

  2. It looks delicious, thanks for the recipe.x

  3. thanks for sharing sara Guess what my and the children are having for dinner on sunday, will get the ingredients tomorrow tracy xx

  4. great recipe I love mushroom risotto
    carol x

  5. I love mushrooms so will give this a try thank you for sharing your recipe, it looks delicious x

  6. ohhhhh this is something different how exciting...looks wonderful cant wait to see what else is in store. Sharon xxx

  7. I just wanted to leave a short note...this recipe sounds lovely and we will certainly try it. I am going to pop back later and write it down. Have a great weekend.

  8. Thanks for sharing your receipe. xxx

  9. Oh sounds lovely, will have to give it a try

    have a lovely weekend

    Lorna xx

  10. Wow this looks yummy, might give it a bash, will let you know how I get on...have a lovely weekend...Lorsx

  11. Love risotto - can almost smell it mmmm

  12. mmmmm - I think I can smell it!!! Ooh no - thats my lasagne lol! Lea xx

  13. mmmm...looks yummy!!
    hugs and xxx

  14. Ooh you are clever Sarah! :-) Happy leapblogging! Elaine-xxx-
