
Family History Update with

Today I'm so excited to share another family history update, so much has happened since I last posted!

Firstly, I mentioned in my previous update that I wrote to my aunt in America who I never knew about, well about a week later I had an email from one of her daughters, my cousin, we connected on Facebook and she has put me in touch with more cousins I knew nothing about! I'll be sharing more info on that later as some of the information is a bit confusing at the moment and I need to work out who's who etc... My aunt also replied to my letter a few weeks later telling me a bit about her life in America and asking me about my life and sending me a photo, it was so nice and I have replied to her with a more in depth letter (my first one was very brief)and some pics.I hope to have a nice Scrapbook page of that story to show you soon!

Secondly, I wanted to share one of my Smash pages to show you how I'm researching and keeping all my info together. I'm using a Smash Book (like a less organised scrapbook or less arty art journal - if that makes sense!) these have become so popular recently and a friend of mine bought me one for Christmas (I also recently started working with Rico Design who have a great range called 'My Memo' which is very similar) so I was keen to get stuck in and give it a whirl, it works perfectly for this, I can stick in all the bits I've been sent, all my info, doodle and take notes and there is a pocket at the back for anything I haven't had chance to categorize or get to yet.
 I have also started working on the first few scrapbook layouts using the photos that have been sent to me from family members, I'm only doing these once I have enough info to add some journaling or a bit about them to the layout and I'm scanning all the pics first so I can do more than one if necessary, digi scrap them and send them to other relatives etc... and I'm keeping all of the originals  in my Smash Book so they are easy to reference. 

I'd love to see / hear about how you organise your research if you'd care to share with me.

I also heard a very interesting rumour from three separate sources, which if it turns out to be true will be a VERY exciting story to share - I'm doing a lot of research into that now. As I've heard it from many different sources, I'm guessing there's no smoke without fire! ;o)

Today you get to search the 1911 census for free on so I'm taking full advantage and looking up everyone I can - it's so interesting to see a bit more about how people lived, what their occupations were and look up their old addresses on google maps to see if they still exist! I hope to have a lot more to add to my tree and Smash Book today

I'll be sharing another update soon!

Sarah x

1 comment:

  1. Hope you find what you are looking for
