
DaisyTrail Steampunk Scrapbook Page

Just a quick post for me today, as usual I'm juggling eleventy billion things and I daren't drop even one! lol. But I wanted to quickly post up my very first layout made with my own Steampunk digi kit in Craft Artist...

I used the ledger paper (swoon!) made lots of layers and was even brave enough to break out the distress tool on the hot air balloon one. Of course I sneaked in a moustache as well - had to be done!

Thank you to everyone who has sent me messages in the last 24 hours telling me you've bought one or all of the kits, I so look forward to seeing your makes, I hope you'll share on the DaisyTrail website or my Facebook page, or both!

This afternoon I've been working on my Ancestry project and have made a bit of a breakthrough - I'll have an update for you soon!. This weekend I'm planning on some studio time, I have some magazine commissions to finish off, some samples to finish and I want to just colour in for the sake of it for a bit! lol.

I hope you have a lovely weekend!

Thanks for dropping by today 
Sarah x

Exciting News! Sarah Hurley Designs comes to Serif DaisyTrail!

Today I'm thrilled to be able to share some news I have been keeping a secret for literally MONTHS! I should be used to secret keeping by now, but each one still makes me want to burst until I can tell!

So today I can tell you, that for the last few months I have been secretly designing new digi scrapbooking kits to use with the fabulous Serif Craft Artist software! These are now available through the DaisyTrail online shop (joining the likes of American Crafts I might add - woo!)

For those of you who are DaisyTrail members, there is a fab special offer for my first three kits - pop over and check it out now!!!!!

** Edited to add - if you don't have a copy of Craft Artist you can download the compact version for free here **

Here is a sneak peek at one of the three kits currently available, more are coming very soon!
You can see the other kits here, and as always, everything coordinates perfectly with all of my other products.

I can't wait to hear your feedback and see your projects!

Thank you for popping by to share my excitement today :o)
Sarah x

Crafting with Derwent

This week and next I have a little mini series running over on the Derwent blog showing how to use your art supplies to make your own custom papers to use in your craft projects. I started yesterday with the woodgrain paper you can see on the left, here is a little peek at what I made...
I hope you will pop over and see the full post. The second part will be up on Thursday!

I also want to say a big thank you to everyone who has applied for my Design Team call - the last two applications scraped in just at the dot of midnight last night and now we have the fun but difficult task of looking at everyones projects and blogs and choosing our new teamies! I'll be back with an update in a few days...

Yesterday and today I have been finalising all the details for my new product launch / collaboration on Thursday, I'll be sharing details early in the day so keep an eye out!! (so excited!)  I'm also working on some fab new products (if you follow my Instagram / Facebook page you may have seen the picture of the giant pile of sketches and notes I'm currently working through!) some are almost ready to send over to my Design Team and I can't wait to get their (and your!) feedback on them all soon.

Now time for a little break to have dinner with B and Fuzzybutt before they head off to bed and I head back to my desk for round two!

Thank you so much for dropping by today!
Sarah x

Featured in Inzpira Magazine!

I promised to share a crafty project with you today and here it is! You may remember a few months ago I mentioned I had been asked to contribute for an international magazine, well that magazine was a fabulous Swedish magazine called Inzpira - the projects in this magazine are just amazing, even though I don't understand a word of the writing I love receiving my copy for the eye candy! :o)

In the latest issue I had this card featured...
I made this using a LOTV stamp, coloured with Promarkers, the fabric rose is made from a scrap of my treasured Cosmo Cricket fabric (glued with Beacon Adhesive - super strong!) The background is done with distress inks (I'll be doing a video tutorial on this soon as I'm asked about it a lot!)

Here is the magazine cover and a sneaky peek of my page...

Thanks so much for dropping by today - I've been a busy bee working on some fab new crafty products which are almost ready to reveal to my Design Team, I can't wait to get their feedback! (don't forget you have just a few days for our DT call now!) I've also had more excitement today which I'll be able to share soon (ish) can't wait! Now I must get back to it, I have a ton of stuff to do and tomorrow promises to be my busiest day yet this week!

Thanks so much for dropping by today
Sarah x

New Kits & Die Cuts! (and a BIG thank you!)

Today I'm super excited to have lots of new things in my shop!!! I listed 3 new Digital Scrapbooking Kits and 5 new Die-Cut files - you can see them all here!

I also have a ton of new die-cuts over at the Silhouette online store, you can see them all here!

I also just want to thank everyone who has so far purchased my shapes at the Silhouette store - I was absolutely thrilled to be on the first page of the most popular designs in my first few days - amazing! and of course it's your purchases and love of the designs that got me there - Thank You!!! :o)

If you're looking for the DT call (just a few days left now - eeeek!) you can see all the details here.

Thanks so much for popping by today - I'll be back tomorrow with a crafty project to show you!
Sarah x

Retro Home Project by Claireliz

I promised that today I would share the first of the wonderful Design Team projects using the new Retro Home CD - and here it is, this fab Printer Tray from Claireliz...
Isn't just fabulous?! Perfectly demonstrating how far you can go with CD / digital crafting perfectly :o) You can see more details here on her blog.

You can get hold of the CD download here and I will be sharing another Retro Home project later this week!

I must also just give you all a quick reminder that there is now just one week to go on our Design Team call - click here for more details :o)

I also have to tell you that I had a whole day off on Saturday - seriously! I can't remember the last time, but Saturday there was no pooter, no Twitter, no Facebook, nothing at all! I spent the day with B, we went out, mooched about, bought pretties and yummies and came home and crashed in front of the TV with a book, a stack of magazines and a very snuggly Fuzzybutt - what a blissful day! I don't know when my next one will be so I made sure to make the absolute most of it! Sunday was back to work (for me at least, B was back to Sky Sports *sigh* lol) but completely refreshed :o)

Now I'm off for a very quick dinner before I get back on to my 'To Do' list - I've started about 10 things today, all of which are almost finished but not quite - very frustrating! but will feel like a massive achievement when I finish 10 things all at once later, lol.

Thanks so much for popping by today!
Sarah x

Lights, Camera, Snooze!

This week has been another crazy one at Hurley HQ, as you may have read in my previous post, I launched my new Craft CD, Retro Home, earlier this week, my lovely Design Team have been putting together some great projects and I can't wait to share (first one Monday, promise!)

On Wednesday, I was off to London filming again for the new Kirstie Allsopp show coming to Channel 4 later this year (Kirstie's Vintage Home). I took my lovely friend Emma with me and we had such a fun (but long!) day, I was so exhausted I was in bed and asleep by 9 o'clock that night - if you know about my insomnia issues, you'll know how much of a big deal that was for me! lol

While I was filming I managed to get one card finished - very difficult as literally everyone on set, including, or should I say 'especially' lol, Kirstie, wants to play with Promarkers, such fun sharing my love of them with everyone! One guy on set even remembered me as 'Promarker Girl' - thats my new superhero name - I'm here to save people from colour-less lives, hahaha!

I also got to use some of the fab stickers Rico sent me - they're like Fuzzy Felts (you may remember them if you're an 80s child like me!) I just love them and I think they worked well with this little card...
I did manage to get some other images coloured though so I have another couple to make into cards when I get some studio time, I desperately need to do that as I have magazine and client design projects piling up - this weekend I'm locking myself in there and not coming out for anyone! lol

I have also been working on some new designs and illustrations, some for my new products and some for clients. I've also had lots more of my designs added to the Silhouette online shop - yay! - you can see them all here.

Don't forget, our Design Team call is still running! Scroll down for more details :o)

Thanks so much for popping by today
Sarah x

Introducing... Retro Home!

Today is the launch of my newest Craft CD - Retro Home!

Here are a couple of sneak peeks... (you can click to make them bigger)

There are a few more over on my Facebook page.

I can't begin to tell you how completely in love with this collection I am and I hope you will love it just as much as I (and my Design Team!) do. The CD has lots on it, papers, digi stamps, coloured images, embellishments, sentiments and even projects including a Recipe Book and a Home Journal. As I also now design for Silhouette you can find matching die cutting designs over in the Silhouette online store and in my own shop. More will be added over the next few days along with another addition to this range. I'd love to know what you think :o)

I will be sharing some of the Design Teams lovely projects over the next few days, I can't wait for you to see the projects.

For your free digi stamp, please scroll back one post, for the Silhouette news please scroll back two posts and for the Design Team call please scroll back three posts - it's been a busy and exciting time! lol

Thanks so much for dropping by today
Sarah x

Free Birthday Cocktail Digi Stamp!

The big day has rolled around once again, and if you are a regular follower of mine you will know I like to share a little love on my Birthday. Last year I shared this Birthday Cupcake Digi Stamp and this year I'm sharing another of my loves, a Birthday Cocktail digi stamp!

So I hope you'll join me for a Birthday Cocktail (shame it can't be a real one! lol) :o) I'd love to see your makes with it if you'd like to share them here in the comments or over on my Facebook page.

If you haven't popped by this week, you might like to scroll back one post to see some exciting news! and scroll back two posts for our DT call.

Thanks so much for popping by today!
Sarah x

Exciting News - Sarah Hurley Designs comes to Silhouette!

Today I'm sharing some exciting news - you may remember, if you follow my Twitter feed, that on the day I launched my new digi scrapbook kits I got a really exciting e-mail (it was a VERY good day!) well, now I can share what was in it!

I now design for Silhouette!

My first designs went up today (you can see them there in the bottom left corner!) and there are lots more to come that all co-ordinate perfectly with my other craft products (existing and forthcoming!) - in fact one or two of those may give you a clue as to what my next one is all about! (launching 12th June) You can get hold of my cutting files here - keep checking back as there are lots and lots more to come!

I'm so excited to add this little string to my bow and offer you another dimension to your crafting :o)

This is shaping up to be an exciting month, with my new scrapbooking digi kits, these new Silhouette designs, my new CD launching on the 12th June, something super secret launching on 28th June, our DT call (see the post below!) and some more filming for the new Kirstie Allsopp craft series - June is awesome!

If you pop back on Sunday I'll have a little something for you - as you'll know if you're a regular follower I like to do a little freebie on my Birthday :o)

Thanks so much for dropping by today!
Sarah x

Design Team Call!

It's been almost a year since I've had a DT call and I've been asked I think every single week when the next one would be, well here it is! :o)

I'm very lucky that all the existing DT girls are staying with me, (we are like a little family by now, lol) but we are looking to add 2-3 people to our existing small friendly team.

You must be comfortable with at least one of the following - traditional paper crafting and / or digi scrapping and / or hybrid crafting (i.e. CD's and digi stamps) - card makers, scrapbookers, digi scrappers, altered artists, art journalers all welcome! to work with my existing range of CD's, digi stamps, collage packs, digi kits etc... as well as all of the exciting new products being launched soon. (To view the product range and some samples you can check out my website or Facebook page)

You will be required to join in our Challenge Blog every other week and leave comments for entries as well as making samples for product releases, marketing purposes, shows and exhibitions.There will also be the opportunity to get involved with tutorials for Craft Academy and other projects. You must have a regularly updated blog with clear photographs of your work and be able to commit to at least a 6 month term.

As I mentioned, we are a friendly team with many of the girls with me since I first launched back in 2010, those who weren't already friends have become so over that time! We regularly have DT blog hops, internal competitions and prizes and opportunities to work with the other companies I am in partnership with.

To apply, please send me an email here with your blog link, a little about you and 2-3 pieces of your favourite work. Please also let me know what your speciality is - cards / scrapbooking / altered and mixed media art and / or other crafts and if you belong to any forums or have any galleries i.e. 2peas, flickr etc etc.... If you are a digi scrapper, please let me know what software you work with.

The call is open to UK and International applicants and will close at midnight GMT on 25th June - the new DT members will be notified approximately one week later. If you have any questions please ask via email We are looking forward to seeing your work!!

Let the fun begin! :o)

Sarah x

Jubilee themed Digi Scrapping

I hope you're having a lovely bank holiday (if you're here in the UK) or enjoyed watching the Jubilee celebrations elsewhere in the world. I didn't get to see much as I've been working but I saw lots of pics this morning!

Today I'm sharing a page made with my new Britannia digi kit...

The picture is one my sister took - as I live quite close to London and visit often I don't really take touristy pics, my sister lives further away though, so she does! I thought this one was great and she said I could borrow it for this project - yay! I think it matches perfectly with the new kit...

Now I'm off to try cooking Chinese food, Char Sui Pork & Special fried Rice - wish me luck, it's my first try!

Thanks so much for popping by today

Sarah x

Cookery Corner - Jubilee Sausage Rolls (and free Bunting!)

Today I'm sharing the recipe for Sausage Rolls, these are B's favourite (I always keep some in the freezer for him) and perfect for the upcoming Jubilee weekend, whether you're having a street party or celebrating at home!
Jubilee Sausage Rolls


1 pack pre-made puff pastry (you can make your own but it's a faff and tastes really no different!)
400grams Pork Sausage Meat (or slice open around 8-12 sausages, depending on size, and scoop the meat out of the skins)
half a teaspoon of English Mustard
a small handful of golden breadcrumbs
one egg, beaten
pinch of mixed herbs
Black Pepper
egg wash - one egg beaten with a splash of milk

Pre-heat your oven to a medium heat (in my electric oven I use 180)
Roll out your puff pastry into a big rectangle until its about a quarter of inch thick
Cut down the middle so you're left with two long, thinnish rectangles
Tip the sausage meat into a bowl, add the mustard, breadcrumbs, pepper, mixed herbs and beaten egg
If you're squeamish you can mix this in a food processor but I prefer to use my hands and smoosh (yes, its a word!) everything together until its well mixed
Split the mixture into two and add one half to each piece of pastry
Spread out down the middle lengthways so you have a long thin strip of meat down the middle of each piece of pastry
Brush a line of egg wash down one long side of the pastry and wrap over, sealing the edges (I like to bring the bottom piece up to create a little lip of pastry wrapped over the edge - it makes a more secure join to ensure they don't split in the oven)
Cut each big roll into small rolls and put on a baking tray
Brush well with egg wash over the top and sides
Bake for 20-25 mins or until golden brown


If you're having a Jubilee Party you may find the free printable Union Jack Bunting I made for the Royal Wedding useful, just print and string together, click on the picture below to get your download!
Finally I just want to thank everyone for their lovely comments on my new digi kits, I'm so glad you're loving them!!

Have a lovely weekend :o)

Sarah x