

The snow finally hit in the early hours of this morning and we now have about an inch, here is the view from my window this morning....

Fuzzybutt absolutely point blank REFUSED to put one dainty paw out in such freezing conditions, she's SUCH a spoilt mutt :o)

Today I asked OH to help me move my desk round, I was sick of staring at the wall! now this is my view of the room - much better!

Notice my giant Tigger cup of coffee - this is my days fuel! I didn't realise how big my desk is til we started moving it, its about 5ft x 4ft!! and I complain daily that I need a bigger one - maybe I just need less *stuff*?? Today I have nothing more interesting than that to share unfortunately, its been a day of web updating, chasing stuff up, admin, e-mails and phone calls and there is still more to do - my "To-Do" list is definitely a work in progress! I'm also finishing up some of the projects for the Christmas Crafting blog, don't forget to come and join us over there!

Sarah x


As yet, no snow in my part of the world, although we are assured by the MET office it will be here tomorrow! On one hand I love the snow, it's so pretty! but on the other hand it's so disruptive! Fingers crossed, it comes, lasts for a day and melts away leaving no trace.... ha! Fuzzybutt has been on snow watch, although right now she is curled up next to me on "inside of eyelids" watch zzzzzz....

This weekend I made my first Christmas card (finally!) using my Christmas Cheer! stamps and of course Kraft cardstock! I have SO many to make, I'm so behind! I also have my Christmas Wreath to make and some other bits and pieces to make the place a bit more festive!

Tonight I am cooking (please pray for us....) i'm going to do risotto again, I managed it last week, it was very nice and no-one died so thats always good (you can never be too sure when I'm cooking!) to say I'm undomesticated is an understatement!

The lovely Melly has some wonderful Blog Candy up for grabs so pop over and see if you are lucky enough to win!

And finally, a BIG thank you to everyone who left lovely messages on my blog or sent me messages via Twitter, Facebook, E-mail and Text after my last post - I really appreciate it very much and it's lovely to feel so supported by so many!

Sarah x

p.s. if you haven't already, pop over to the Christmas Crafting blog and sign up so you receive the prompts (starting from the 1st) and projects!

Setting the Record Straight....

I hate to do a negative post after such a happy one however I want to clear a few things up. It's come to my attention from various sources that some things have been said about me, both directly and in a sneaky way to try and put me down. I'm not going to name and shame as I don't wish to stoop to that level, however I will say the following:

People who need to put others down to make themselves feel big are bullies, bullies never prosper and while initially may develop a following, those people will ultimately realise what they are about. People who indulge in this kind of behaviour should be ashamed of themselves - I thought at 30 I would no longer have to deal with this kind of "playground" situation - it's quite sad.

While of course, everyone has their own opinion and I respect that everyone is entitled to their own, you may love me, hate me or be indifferent to me - as I am to others, however you will never hear me say I'm 'better' than anyone else, compare myself or my work to anyone elses or try to belittle anyone. This is not behaviour I will indulge in. Of course I may express my opinions from time to time but I do so solely to my family and close friends who I trust and are never shared in public. I never compare my work to anyone elses because mine is different - I have no competition because my work is my own, I like and respect many other designers work and of course buy and use others designers work in my crafting. I'm not a retailer up against other retailers to compete on the price of say a particular rubber stamp because I only sell my own things and that is how I intend it to stay. Im not looking for competition, drama or confrontation.

I wish everyone the best of luck in setting, aiming for and reaching their goals - everyone is looking for something different. I'm lucky enough to have achieved some of mine, working with great companies, working with lovely people and of course I have more I want to achieve - I intend to do so without knocking anyone else down in the process.

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle"

Sarah x

My news......

I can finally share my news with you today - I'm sooooo excited!

if you cast your eye to the left where the "people I design for" list is you will notice a new addition.......

Thats right, Derwent!!

How exciting, Derwent have asked me to work with them on marketing their products in the craft industry and testing out some of their products - how can a girl refuse?! I love Derwent and have used their products since I can remember! When I made the decision to go freelance my OH asked me what I wanted as a celebratory pressie and I chose Derwent pencils - thats how much I love them!

I'm so obssessed with colour as you can probably tell from how much I treasure my Promarkers! so I'm looking forward to trying out the things I havent yet tried! You will be seeing lots about my progress over the coming weeks I'm sure :)

You can see why this cheered me up so much yesterday!

On another note I'd like to thank everyone that has pre-ordered the Wonderland CD - I have had to increase my initial order and I haven't even done any sneak peeks yet! Seems you are all as obssessed with Alice in Wonderland as I am!

You can also now become a 'fan' of the Ink-A-Ball on facebook - here! There will be some competitions and giveaways and more exciting stuff soon so pop over there and 'like' it :)

Thats enough excitement for one day!

Sarah x


So today I got some of my REALLY good news confirmed and I can tell all tomorrow - yay!

I have to admit the email came at the exact right time, today I was feeling a bit yucky, despite getting a good nights sleep and all that I woke up feeling weary and achy - it makes me so angry that I never know how I going to feel I just have to ride the wave and see what happens! My MIL took me shopping and I got a pink doughnut which did lift my spirits somewhat and I managed to get myself back to working this afternoon which I LOVE. I love to work so much and find it sooooo frustrating when I can't! this afternoon I was working on an article I have been asked to write about domestic violence, this is not an easy thing for me to do but I know it will help to raise awareness and so I'm determined to do it! Just as I'm feeling a bit sad and a bit blue and a few tears, the email lands in my inbox, shortly followed by a funny from my sister Taz who always seems to have a knack for sending me a funny email or text just when I need it - she says its because we're psychopathic - I say she needs a dictionary :o)

The countdown to Christmas has begun, snow is on its way (apparently) and my mum is giving me daily updates on pressie deliveries, food situation etc etc... I cant believe we are now counting down in days rather than weeks! You know its close to Christmas when M&S start selling their festive loo roll - voila!......

How cute is that? it's almost a shame to use it, although essential obviously!

Last week I got a huuuuge box of goodies from A Cherry on Top in the USA. I finally got my hands on the lovely Paris Anthology line from Pink Paislee - I had the stamps already but none of the "stuff" so now I have "stuff" too - the flowers and papers are just gorgeous! I love the album and I just can't wait to use it all!

I also finally got hold of the October Afternoon 'Modern Homemaker' range - I've been waiting for this since I saw the sneaks!! and some of the Cosmo Circa 1934 range. A BIG thanks to Vanessa at Papermaze for being so quick with getting it to me and adding stuff I'd forgotten to my order afterwards - I'm a nightmare customer! LOL Can't wait to get around to playing with all this stuff, have soooo many projects to get done so all this will be gone very soon!!

And finally, a big woooooo! as my products are in 3 (yes 3!!) magazines this week!

My Christmas Cheer! CD was named one of the "5 best" in the Making Cards Christmas Special. The Ink-A-Balls were featured in the latest Making Cards issue and my Winter Warmers collection (soon to be available on the website) and projects are in Complete Cardmaking due out this week (issue 27) - and it's only Tuesday! I wonder what the rest of the week has in store for me......

We are working on lots of Christmas projects for the new Xmas Crafting blog so if you have something you want to share then email me or leave your link and you could be featured.

Sarah x


So some of my news I can share and some I can't just yet!

Firstly, please come and join us over at the Christmas Crafting blog, this will run from now until Christmas Day, giving you inspiration, prompts and project ideas from me and the design team - we have lots of stuff ready to go up over the next few days!

Secondly, my new CD 'Wonderland' is now available for pre-order! There is also a special offer for the CD and co-ordinating ink spray set - have a look here for more details.

There will be some sneak peeks of this coming over the next week or so :o)

Finally I'd like to say a BIG congratulations to one of my DT girls - Amanda has made the Teresa Collins Design Team!!

Back with more news soon......

Sarah x


my newest member of the Design Team (as promised!)..... Patsi!

Patsi has been crafting for 4 years and loves stamping and colouring, especially Prisma pencils and of course... Promarkers! (who doesn't!!) Patsi makes some gorgeous cards which you can see on her blog here! She was so keen to join the fun that she joined in this weeks challenge before she even received her DT pack, I like that ;o)

Pop over to the Challenge Blog to see this weeks challenge, there are some fab samples this week (including Patsi's!)

Thank you to everyone who applied to be on the DT - I think I have replied to everyone, that will be all for this year now as we are so close to Christmas and I have some HUGE projects on at the moment. You can still send me your blog links which I'll keep on file.

I'll be back later with another post and hopefully I'll be able to share some of my recent news!

Sarah x

Blythe Winner!

The winning name chosen for my doll was......


Chosen by these little scamps, my lovely squishies Harley and Xena.....

Can the winner contact me for their prize - thank you everyone for your suggestions!


How Cold???

Seriously, how cold is it today??? I'm wearing 2 woolly dresses over a jumper, woolly tights and ugg boots and I'm still freezing!!!! Fuzzybutt has wrapped herself up in a duvet and there is NO WAY she is budging for anyone! She makes me laugh, I looked over at her as I typed that and she stared straight back like "yeah, what?!" she's got real attitude that mutt!

The other night I was chatting on Twitter about Art Journaling - I love Twitter and Art Journaling, both allow me to vent, much like this blog! I don't often share my pages but as it's a new journal and this isn't such a terribly personal page, I will...

This is in my "non-messy" journal, the pages are so thin I can't use Promarkers or even paints really, so I'm sticking with colouring pencils, journaling pens and sakura pens - it's very difficult to now spray / ink / paint etc.... but I quite like it, its journaling I can do anywhere without needing a craft sheet, old clothes, scrap paper and a long soak in the bath after! Did you notice the pages are kraft though? so pretty! *sigh* I'm sooooo obssessed with kraft paper at the moment.

Tomorrow I will be introducing a new member of the DT - think this will be the last one before Christmas as it's fast approaching!! She is very talented and I'm really pleased she's joined us. She has got stuck straight in with the challenges so you will be seeing her work this week on the challenge blog!! She is just in time for some new products as well......

I'll also let you know the winner of my Blythe doll competition tomorrow - I need to speak to my little squishies, they are very busy people with all their animals and poultry to look after - are ducks poultry too or is it just chickens and turkeys? I'm sure they will tell me, probably with a huff and an eye roll at how little I know about farm animals except which condiment goes best with them ;o) bwahahahahahahahaha.....

Tonight is another 'rock n roll' type evening for us - snuggling on the sofa watching all the terrible TV we have Sky +'ed while I plan some work I have coming up - and probably another page in that journal!

Sarah x

Happy Mail!

After a pretty yukky Thursday I woke up to happy mail on Friday (will share soon!) yay!

Today I'm spending the whole day drawing, I seem to have so many ideas lately that I just can't get them all down!

I got a little parcel today from Eyeko which cheered me up, if you've used Eyeko you will know how fab their products are - so fab in fact that I signed up to be an ambassador (if you use the code E11890 when you order you get a free gift!) - and I NEVER do things like that!! Their Fat Balms are great as I hate to wear lipstick but I'm so pale I look like the undead if I dont wear something! and their shimmery face cream stuff can make your skin look amazing even when you feel like death warmed up! Today I got the nude nail polish - already on my fingers - and the toffee fat balm - smells lush!

I also need to get started on making my Christmas cards soon, can't believe we are halfway through November already! I'm so excited to start writing in my Christmas Journal and dig into the Advent Calendar box that the lovely Melly sent me! I'll be ooooop north knee deep in snow, chickens and Christmas presents before I know it!!

My little sisters now have two ducks to add to their ever growing collection of animals - they have called them 'Pancake' and 'Bill' - I've been ordered not to take my pancakes and plum sauce anywhere near them! LOL. I get to see the new chickens / ducks / rabbits etc... when I get there. The other day my friend asked me if the chickens were for us to have for Christmas dinner, without thinking I replied "no, they just keep them for eggs and milk" and it actually took him to explain what I'd said before I realised Chickens don't make milk, sometimes I wonder..... LOL

and on that note I shall leave you snorting with laughter over my studpidness!

Sarah x

p.s. don't forget my little competition below which ends today!

A Little Competition

So today I'm having a little competition! Last week I finally got my Blythe Doll delivered! Some of you will know how much I've wanted one for soooooo long and now I finally have one - woooooo!

So my competition is to name her! Here is a little picture of her, the best name suggestion will win a Christmas Cheer! CD. Post your suggestions in the comments of this post and the best name will be picked by my little sisters on Saturday.

Tomorrow I have a mammoth trip to the post office, where I havent been feeling too good stuff has piled up somewhat but OH has promised to help me with them in the morning - yay!

I have been having a couple of good days this week (not that I wish to jinx it by sharing that!) so have caught up quite a bit, I know one or two of you are still waiting for e-mails from me and they will be with you in the next 24 hours - that includes the latest DT applicants :o)

Now, I must pop up to my studio to make my card for tomorrows challenge before 'The Apprentice' starts - I winder what dramas are in store tonight!

Sarah x

Making Stuff

This weekend I actually got some time locked away in my studio making stuff - what bliss!!

Firstly a little card using My Little Shoebox papers....

some close ups.....

and then I got round to printing off my second Christmas Journal kit and making my own journal, here are some pics!

I tied it all together with some gorgeous 'PeaPod' bakers twine from The Twinery - I only added that and some kraft cardstock! This is only the base and I have lots more to add, it needs some sparkly bits and some stamped images (my own Christmas Cheer! ones of course!) for the front and some ribbon, and of course my photos and journalling! If you would like to get hold of this kit click here!

There are also a couple of new digi stamps - I haven't had chance to make anything with those yet but I will! More new things coming over the next few days....

This morning I had NINE - yes, NINE blood tests! eeeek! I think I still have a little drop left, just! I did feel a little woozy after (you can't eat for 12 hours before either) but other than that it's not been a bad day - here's hoping it lasts the rest of the week!!

Sarah x

New Fings!

Lots of new things to tell you about today.....

Firstly a brand new kit, if you are doing December Daily or Journal your Christmas you will love this kit, it has backing papers, embellishments and digi stamps for you to put together to make your journal! You can get yours here for the bargainous price of £6.99! There are also some new Digi Stamps up and some special offers / sale stuff - grab yourself a bargain!

Secondly, there is a new challenge up on the Challenge Blog from our lovely Guest Designer, Jackie, pop over and join us!

Thirdly, I'm working on bundles more new stuff for you, seriously I am FLAT OUT! and I think you're going to love it, I can't wait til its finished myself so I can go and play with it all! Keep an eye out for those new launches starting from the weekend.

This week has been super stressful with one thing and another, why is it that just when you think all is going OK something jumps and bites you? grrrrr! A tiny break from the avalanche of YUK being thrown at me would be nice if anyones listening! thank you :o)

On a positive note I have my appointment with the specialist for the end of this month which will hopefully be helpful and a review with my own doctor in the morning.... fingers crossed! This thing can be beaten and I'm determined to do it!

And it's not all bad, I did get some happy mail today, which I can't tell you about just yet but will be able to soon, yay!

Finally I'll leave you with a little vintage project I knocked up the other night. I ordered the new Pink Paislee / House of 3 Parisian Anthology stamps (from Happy Daze - thank you Moira for the super fast delivery!) and I was dying to try them out but with nothing really in mind, so I just started stamping (onto a blank vintage postcard from Artistic Stamper)

Thats all for today!

Sarah x

A New Guest Designer!

A new month means a new Guest Designer and this month we welcome Jackie!

Jackie has been crafting for over 5 years, she loves to stamp and colour in and she doesn't wear pink ;o) You can see her blog here

She has already produced some fab work which you will be seeing over the course of the month. She will also be setting the challenge tomorrow over on the Challenge Blog.

A BIG welcome from all of us!!

Sarah x


Ok, own up, who hid September and October? I swear I didn't even see them pass!!!! How scary is that......

Today I noticed for the first time as I waved OH off that the leaves have all started turning, the trees I look at from my studio are now lovely autumn colours - I will have to take some photos if i'm feeling up to going out tomorrow - fingers crossed, today was better than yesterday so if tomorrow is better again, I'll be a happy girl :o) So Autumn is here, its nearly winter, time for firework night, the smell of bonfires, hot chocolate instead of tea at bed time (I'm soooo rock and roll, really!) and adding an extra duvet to the bed - which Fuzzybutt will hog along with the other 2 no doubt, for a small mutt she takes up a LOT of space. I think our duvet must be like a weird narnia type place and as oon as she crawls under there she turns into a great dane or something, shes warm though and gives the BEST cuddles so I'm not complaining!

I was thinking the other day about artistic style, how sometimes you can just tell from looking who has made a particular card or LO or piece of art or illustration, it made me wonder, do I have a style?? I started looking at my work and to me each piece looks different. Then I caught sight of a pic I took the day I got my new camera of some artwork I was about to send off to Letraset and I thought, actually I DO have a style. All of those pieces are distinctively mine. I don't know what you would call it (no rude comments please!) or how you would define it but its definitely mine! What do you think??

Before I go I must just mention that I'm having a SALE! Grab some great special offers, must make room for lots of new products coming your way soon!!

Tomorrow I'll be posting all about my lovely November Guest Designer so look out for that!!

Sarah x