
Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone!

I just love Halloween, it's one of my favourite days of the year and it only gets better from here - Halloween, Firework Night and the CHRISTMAS!! wooooooo!

I was going to launch my new CD today but it's not quite ready so instead I will be aiming for firework night, will keep you posted of it's progress!

Today I got a little bit of time in my studio, with no actual projects to do, just to do whatever I want! So first i tidied up - you wouldn't believe how much paper I had stashed away that I had completely forgotten about - some of it is from over 5 years ago!! I separated all the whole sheets from the cut sheets - this is just the whole sheets - yikes!

and thats just 12 x 12 patterned paper!! I have about half as much again plain Bazzill and Prism and dread to think what would happen if I added A4 to it! oh dear, I hope OH never see's this, its safely tidied away again now......

I also made a quick vintagey project - I wanted to use crackle paint! and I had a little idea in my head, excuse the funny light, it was dark by the time I had finished.

I've also started blogging for Essex Life magazine, I hope you will pop over and take a look, bit nervous as this is my first official writing project for someone else, usually I just write instructions for craft projects and my own ramblings here or in my art journal.

Before I go please pop over to Lisa's blog to see the pics of her Halloween party, looks like fun!!

Sarah x


Today has been the worst day for a while (health wise) I've felt like i'm made of jelly all day and couldn't move until about 6pm despite a sleep this afternoon. It really shook me up and I had a little bit of a cry on OH's shoulder :o( anyhow, not to bleat on too much!! Lets move on to some goooood stuff!

Firstly, I got my new camera - woooooooo! I'm so excited! I got a Canon Powershot G11.....

Isn't it purdy???! After reading a few reviews and handling a few in the shop (I've got really small hands so a lot of them are too big or heavy for me) it was definitely the best option for me. I've picked up the basics, although I'm just shooting in automatic at the moment, I have reserved two books from the library so will be poring over those at the weekend to try and pick up some tips! If any of you have the same camera and want to share your tips and tricks I'd be very grateful!

You can see the difference here from a layout shot from my old camera (on the left) and my new camera (on the right) makes soooo much difference!

Now I just need to set my shots up a bit better to show my work off the best way possible - I've bought a few little bits and I'm going to rearrange the studio a little bit tomorrow to make a non-ink covered, non-dog-laid-on surface. Here is a little pic of Fuzzybutt in my studio, she likes to join in, I think if she was a real little girl (of course she is a real little girl, but you know what I mean...) she would defo be a crafter!

Today I've also launched a new Doodle Doll and a new Digi Stamp - you can get them here. There are some more to come but I just didn't have the energy today - I know that may sound bizarre to you but I can't tell you the level of tiredness that this illness brings about, it's like nothing else! Here is a little card I made for the Halloween challenge this week over on the challenge blog using both (I've also used the Twilight ink sprays - I LOVE these so much!) pop over and join us - the free download a couple of posts below may come in handy! or splash out on some of my downloads - just £1 and you have them forever!

Before I stop rambling and leave you in peace for the night I just want to send a big THANK YOU to my DT girls, they have been so fantastic the last couple of weeks, helping out when I just can't go on, sending me messages to keep my spirits up and check how I am and Donna even sent me a gorgeous card. it's meant so much girls, I really can't thank you enough!! And now I have two more lovelies :o) (see previous post)

Now I'm off to answer a couple of e-mails before I retire to my bed with a hot choccie and a scary book (it is nearly halloween!)

Sarah x


As promised, here are my two newest DT members......

Amanda is mum to one little boy and lives with her family in Devon. She is a keen scrapbooker and paper crafter, loves vintage and is on a few other DT's so you may have seen her work before! You can see her blog here

Brenda is from the USA, she loves papercrafting and teaches regularly, we spotted her work on the challenge blog and then she applied for the DT - it was fate! :o) You can see her blog here

They are such a great fit to the existing team and I can't wait to see what they come up with - Please give them a warm welcome!

I still have some more applications to go through so if you haven't heard from me yet thats why! I always reply to everyone whether it's a yes or a no.

Sarah x

Lovely Day.....

Today was one of those lovely days.... I spent the morning with my Promarkers playing Christmas songs (I know its only October! LOL) I spoke to a lovely company who will be sponsoring a future challenge - look out for that one, a gorgeous prize!! and the OH came home and took me for some lunch and shopping. I do love it when days go like that, so nice!

I want to thank everyone who entered the colouring challenge sponsored by Letraset - we had an AMAZING number of entries! I'll be spending tomorrow looking through them all and commenting and trying to narrow them down! from what I've seen it's going to be tough!

Tomorrow I will also be announcing two of my new DT members, very talented ladies! I've had some more entries since and will be looking through those soon to choose some more people. We also have some great Guest Designers lined up to help inspire you.

I'm off to catch up some e-mails now before settling down to watch the last Whitechapel - can't wait to see what happens! I'm sky +'ing Spooks so no spoilers please!! LOL

See you tomorrow :o)

Sarah x

And reeeeelax......

Tonight is feet up with a Chinese takeaway and some trash TV - Im exhausted!! I've prepared well, I popped to the library earlier to pick up a giant stack of art books to flick through, I have a couple of new craft magazines and some work proposals to look over, I'm all set for my night on the sofa!

I hope you grabbed your freebie halloween download yesterday - see the previous post if you haven't! and today there is a new Challenge from Lisa on the challenge blog so please pop over and take a look.

I'll be back tomorrow fully rested and hopefully with something more interesting to share!

Sarah x

Freebie Day!

Firstly I have to say what a record number of entries we've had for the Colouring Challenge this week - obviously not too surprising considering the lovely prizes up for grabs!! (Thank you Letraset) If you haven't entered yet what are you waiting for?! Pop over now and take a look :o)

Secondly, I did of course promise you a freebie download today and I'm not one to go back on that promise, so here you go, a set of 3 Spooky Halloween Tags - just click on the image to download

Please send me the links to your makes with them or enter them in the upcoming challenges - we'd love to see!

I've been working on a new product that I hope to launch in November - I'll have news of that for you soon!

Yesterday we had the lamb, I have to be honest I wasn't keen, I had two mouthfuls but heavily disguised the second one with mustard, its all weird and icky - I'll stick to chicken thanks! So today I decided to have a go at cooking, anyone that knows me knows I'm not remotely domesticated despite my mad daydreams of floating round my kitchen in a Cath Kidston apron whipping up cakes and pies a'la Nigella the most I can actually manage is some toast or maybe Super Noodles if you're lucky! I get bored of waiting for stuff to happen and then get distracted and it invariable burns - hey ho. So tonight was my chance to prove I am in fact a total domestic godess and..... I blew it! It was edible and didn't have us rushing for the take away menus as many of my other attempts have but OH very tactfully said he would go back to cooking tomorrow *sigh* its for the best.....

I did end up giving in to temptation on QVC yesterday but just for one pack of Kraft card which was less than a tenner - hardly a splurge is it! LOL. I'm sooo in love with Kraft card at the moment - I'm in the process of whipping up a bunch of kraft goodies especially for my Etsy shop :o)

Finally please could you pop over here and rate this video a '5' this is for such a good cause 'A place to bark' run by the very talented artist Bernie Berlin, she rescues and cares for so many dogs and is such an inspiration - how I'd love to be surrounded by dogs and art - I'm halfway there! Just need more pooches :o)

Sarah x

New things....

What a bizarre day, one minute torrential rain and thunder and lightning and the next brilliant sunshine, don't know how things are in your part of the country / world but its kinda strange here! I am happy to be back in my snuggly winter clothes though! Woolly dress, jumper, woolly tights and uggs - lovely!! We even had the heating on for a bit earlier - woo! I LOVE winter, can you tell?? ;o)

I managed a bit of scrappy time as well and made a couple of layouts mostly from my Studio Calico kit - my little box of happiness!

my pics still aren't great and I'm really not happy with my camera, I've got my eye on a Canon G11 which I'm told is fab so fingers crossed you will be seeing some better photography from me soon!!

Today is Craft Day on QVC, I must admit I sky +'ed it and then whizzed through it as I didn't have time to watch the whole thing but there isn't anything thats tempted me so far!

I managed to upload the first lot of Digi Stamps to my website today - just £0.50p each!! What art you waiting for?! pop over and grab yourself a Bargain! :o)

OH is making me lamb chops tonight, I've never really liked lamb but he thinks I will if its cooked right, we shall see whos right won't we!! Wish me luck! I'm sure Fuzzybutt will happy with her dinner (she loves lamb) and the bones of course!

I've now contacted everyone who has applied for the Design Team so far so if you sent me an email or facebook message and havent heard anything please check your junk folder and holler if you havent been included. I find the whole process so difficult, everyone is so talented but I can't say yes to everyone, always makes me sad to say no as I know how horrible I have felt when I've not made teams I've applied for.

See you tomorrow with a freebie download!!

Sarah x

Work, Work, Work!!

New CD is SOOOOO close to being finished, phew! just some loose ends to tidy up, its been a great one to work on and I'll be doing a sneaky peek later this week....

We have had so many entries already for the colouring challenge over on the challenge blog - how fab is that! its going to be tough picking the winners judging by what I have seen already! Please pop over and join in if you haven't already.

I'm uploading new downloads to my website and Craftsuprint tomorrow so look out for those, lots of new things. I've also been working really hard on developing a new product which I'm hoping will launch in November but I will give you some more info nearer the time.

Halloween is now fast approaching, I'm so excited, I just love Halloween, even though we don't really do as much in the UK - I'm determined to have a halloween in America some time soon, the parties and things sound like so much fun! Here in the UK we have a few Halloween themed snacks and a scary film on the TV - dull!

I've noticed in the run up that the 'Twilight' ink sprays have become really popular so I'm guessing some of you out there are doing some Halloween crafting! If you use them in a project please let me know, I'd love to see what you come up with :o)
Thanks to everyone that has enquired about my health, I'm just waiting to see the specialist now so will let you know how I get on. I'm trying to adapt my working hours so I work when I feel OK, whether thats in the wee small hours or during the day or night, it seems to be working OK although I am a bit behind I'm catching up!

I will be contacting the people who have emailed me so far regarding my Design Team within the next 24 hours so please keep a look out :o)

Sarah x

Exciting Things!

Firstly I have to tell you about this weeks Challenge over on the Challenge Blog! This weeks theme is 'Colouring In' and has kindly been sponsored by Letraset with some fab prizes so pop over and take a look!!

Secondly I have also sponsored fellow Challenge Blog 'Moving Along with the Times' this week for a Halloween Challenge with my new Digi-Download Kit. The lovely Lisa is also a member of their design team. So please pop over and join their challenge as well!

A few of you pointed out to me this morning that my e-mail wasn't being delivered - my mail box was full! Its now emptied out again and emails are coming back through, sorry about that!

Also, a big thank you to everyone who sent me nice messages regarding my diagnosis, its so nice to hear from lovely supportive people and those who have the same or similar things, it makes me feel I'm not alone! and I'll be taking some of the advice I've been given to see if any of those things help.

I'm still working on the last few bits for the new CD and some new downloads, coming very very soon! (the weekend I think...) as we well as some proposals for some very exciting new projects which you will be hearing about in due course. Its nice to have some happy things to share!

Next week I'll also be doing another free download - it's been a while hasn't it! so keep your eyes peeled for that :o)

Sarah x

A little box of happiness....

Today I received a little (well, quite big actually) box of happiness in the mail all the way from the USA - my Studio Calico kit - yay! guaranteed to cheer a girl up any day and well deserved I think!

Yesterday I had yet ANOTHER doctors appointment, although this time with a bit of a breakthrough, after almost a year I finally have a diagnosis, not a great one but at least now I know I can deal with it! I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or ME as some of you may know it. It was a bit of a shock as I thought I just had a virus or something I could take some antibiotics for! Anyway... I won't dwell too much as I'm trying not to think about it too much at the moment!

I've been working really hard to finish up the latest CD - they should be going out to the Design Team next week, all being well, I've loved working on this one so much! Details and sneaky peeks coming soon :o)

Don't forget I'm still looking for some DT peeps - see this post - UK and International welcome - thank you to everyone who has emailed me, I will be in touch VERY soon!

I hope you will all join in the challenge this week as we have a wonderful sponsor this week who has donated a lovely prize!! I will post all the info on Thursday with the new challenge (there is still a few days to enter the latest one as well!)

Hugs and Stuff
Sarah x

Being a bit remiss.....

I've been a bit of a lazy blogger the last week or two for which I apologies. I have been unwell and busy and trying to get lots of things in order (although I'm not making excuses!) I will start being more interesting - promise!! Thank you to those that sent me lovely messages to check I was OK.

Firstly as its now October (seriously, where did September go?!) we have a new Guest Designer, Sarah! Sarah is on a few design teams and demos Promarkers (a shared obssession!) She will be setting tomorrows challenge so please pop over to have a look! In the meantime, you can see her fab cretaions on her blog here.

Also, there is a lovely feature in papercraft Essentials magazine this month, Patsy Jackson shows how you can use Woodland Whimsies to make halloween cards! pick up your copy :o)

I have just finished putting together a collection for another magazine which I will tell you more about nearer to the publication date! and I'm still working busily on more downloads and my next CD.

Also, during the past few weeks i've realised I can't manage with my existing number of Design Team helpers - I wanted to try and keep my Dt quite small as I know all the girls quite well now, we are all friendly and love working together and I didnt want a big team where it became impersonal however the workload is growing and if one is sick / busy etc.. it just becomes unmanageable! So I'm holding an ongoing call for DT people, there is no specified closing date I just want to hear from you if you would like to join us and can committ to participating in weekly challenges and other projects, please send me an email telling me a little bit about you with some examples of your work. Some will be full time DT's and others I will call on for guest positions. you can e-mail me here!

Thanks so much! Now I'm off for some long overdue dinner!!

Sarah x