

A very quick update as I'm nearly done with my deadline and it all gets sent off tomorrow! woo - then I can take a minute to breathe before the next thing :o)

All of the DT e-mails went out yesterday and I'm very pleased to say all were accepted so look out for the announcement of the new DT later this week!

I will be burning the midnight oil again tonight to get these last few bits done and out the door in the morning, I may not sleep!

Sarah x

A Quick Post...

Happy Friday everyone!

I was hoping to finish a bit earlier today but typically it hasn't happened and this has been a really really busy day! I had a lovely night out last night, catching up with friends having a cheeky glass of wine or two (ok, it was 3...) what fun, can't wait for the next one now, have been too hermit like recently!

Today I have narrowed down the DT apps as much as I am able to and have sent a few people additional questions, once these are back I'll make the final announcement - yay! This has definitely been the most difficult to narrow down, soooo many talented people, I nearly had the biggest Design Team anyone has ever had :o)

Now I'm going to have the evening off before a manic weekend as I finish off all of my illustrations and work on some craft projects.

Hope you all have lovely weekends!

Sarah x

Some Pics...

I must say today started off pretty yuk, I was hoping to go back to bed and start again but much to do and not much time so I battled on after a little scream and a cry to my mum on the phone, OH got me a Belgian Bun (my 2nd of the week, yikes!) and suddently I felt much better.

So.... last night was another late and productive night of illustrating, I even managed to squeeze in 2 little art journal pages to empty my head of all the swirly yuk-ness. Today I continued with some digital illustrations. I also had to print out lots of bits and pieces for a hybrid layout with gallimaufryuk's digi kits.

The I got to have a play around on my camera, since I got my new camera I've pretty much used in in automatic mode all the time, I'm not really too sure what all the bits do and I'm a bit scared to fiddle with them in case I break it! I really must get a book. I decided to be brave today and have a little play with some of the settings, I'm taking some pics tomorrow for another project I will tell you about next week and I want to make sure they look their best so I had a little practice taking these - the view from my desk!

I think with a bit of editing they would be OK, sure I will be out of auto mode soon!

I also took some time to narrow down the DT applications today so for those of you waiting you will have an answer soon, its so tough, I've halved it but I'm finding it difficult to narrow down any more at the moment, I'll go over it with fresh eyes tomorrow!

Now I'm off out with OH and some friends, first night out for a while, looking forward to a glass of wine :o)

Sarah x

A Funny Old Day....

Today really was a funny sort of day, I stayed up late last night illustrating again, I seem to be more productive at night! But I woke up feeling ready for the day ahead and yet very relaxed and not my normal stressy self!

I think I'm making progress and I'm ahead of myself on my plan so thats a good thing. I'm also loving the way these illustrations are coming together. Sometimes it's too easy to be critical of ourselves, especially when you see fantastic work by other artists / crafters / designers. But you can only be yourself, of course you have to try and improve and better yourself but but never change your style or try to fit a mould, you don't want to be "the next 'whoever'" you want to be the first YOU!

Last night I had the whole ranty angry thing from yesterday swirling round in my head - I often carry these arguments out inside my head to make sure I dont say anything uneccessary when it comes to actually confronting who has hurt me and to make sure I have clear what I want to say, nothing worse than finishing an argument or impassioned speech and then thinking of something else you really wished you'd said - do it all at once and get some closure! It basically boils down to an issue of trust, I have a very hard time trusting people in the first place, but once I do, I do so implicitly. Once a person has broken that I've never been able to regain it, even when I've really really wanted to, I just can't. I feel an art journal page coming on! The best place to spill everything out... Maybe the fact that I had done that was what made me so calm today!

I've been planning out my diary today and the next few weeks and months look pretty busy (yay!) but I'm taking some time to go to the craft show at the Olympia next month to see the lovely peeps at Crafty Ribbons who I design for, I'll also be meeting some more twitter peeps, always fun! If you're going let me know :o)

Ah, no pretty pics today... will try and make up for it tomorrow, promise! Thanks for your guesses yesterday, keep them coming!! ;o)

Sarah x

Crazy Day!

Today has been a mad day, I stayed up last night til about 2am working on one of my book fair illustrations using my lovely Derwent Inktense and Coloursoft pencils, I can't show too much or I'll be in trouble!! but here is a sneaky peek.

the lovely peeps at Derwent were trying to guess what this could be today, the guesses so far include an Alien Landscape, A mountain scene and a Bird - none of these are correct though! I will reveal as soon as I can! In the meantime please feel free to leave a comment with your guess, if anyone does actually get it I'll be so impressed I might send you a little something... ;o)

I also finished off the two mini collections I was doing today, they might need some changes, I shall wait for the verdict! Will be able to let you know what they are as soon as it's all signed off - yay! I made that deadline with about 3 minutes to spare today...

All in all a pretty good day after a bit of a yucky start (I'm over it now so won't rant again! LOL) Thank you to everyone that patiently puts up with me on Twitter as that usually where my venting ends up! Luckily B came home with a Belgian Bun and some drawing pencils (I'm always losing them!!) so that cheered me up and of course once I start working, drawing and colouring is so therapeutic you can't not be happy!

I'm off for a quick dinner before more drawing!
Sarah x

A Day Out!

Sunday I had a day out, a visit to Stitches, the UK craft trade show. I had lots of meetings lined up, all of which went very well, you'll be seeing new developments soon! and I met some lovely new people, some of whom I hope to be working with in the near future... :o)

While I was there I met some of the regulars I speak to on Twitter, here I am with some you may recognise,

I saw lots of the lovely new products which will be hitting the shops soon, I can't wait to get my hands on them! I also watched some demos including Tim Holtz (of course!) no pics this year though, despite taking my camera, I was rushing around so much and chatting so much that I didn't get to take many pics and didn't even grab a coffee until we passed Starbucks on the way home!!! By the time I got home I was EXHAUSTED and crashed in bed at around 8.30, was asleep by 9!! shocking LOL

Of course that meant an early start so I thought I would be productive and take Fuzzybutt for a nice long walk - she wasn't at ALL happy with that - she is a funny dog, she doesn't really like walks and would prefer to just have a run around on the green outside our house and then go back inside! She's been glaring at me from her snuggly duvet position all day, don't think I'm forgiven.... take a look at that moody, sulky face!

This week I have crazy deadlines, finishing off designs for 2 different clients, designing 2 new mini collections for another, finishing up my illustrations for the Bologna Book Fair and some other bits and pieces. I do love busy times though, I think it keeps you motivated and enthusiastic about your work when you have a busy and varied schedule!

I'm trying to decide whether to go to the London Book Fair in a couple of weeks, if any of you have been please let me know what you thought (you can e-mail me if you prefer)

Until tomorrow!
Sarah x

Art Journaling with Derwent

I mentioned the other night that I had done some Art Journaling before bed, I don't often show my journal pages, most of them are too personal, but this one was something I had read earlier in the day and it struck a nerve, I just had to journal it so I'd always remember. This is in my little Derwent Journal, the background I made using my Aquatones ages ago and it was so pretty I had a hard time drawing on it!

Images are from random magazines, I buy so many each week this is a good way to recycle! the cloud stamp is one of mine and the eye stamp is an old Ebay bargain.

I'll leave you with some random pics from my week, these are all from Instagram, a new app I've been using, love it!!

I love all the different picture effects without messing around in photoshop!

The first is my bargain vintage dress I got from Ebay that I mentioned a few weeks ago, its now repaired and altered, love it! The second is what I woke up to Valentines morning, Fuzzybutt! LOL. The third is me and Fuzzybutt later that day - Fuzzy Love! The fourth is a set of stamps I received from a friend in Australia, can't wait to use them!!! and the final one is Fuzzybutt at her best last night, all fuzzy and warm and sleepy - loves!

Have fabulous weekends!

Sarah x

Thank You!

I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to everyone that applied for the Design Team, we had about 100 entries!! Now I need to go through them all and shortlist them, its going to be very hard to just take on a few (I've had a peek at a few as they came in and they are amazing!) I may be in touch with some of you to ask a few questions, please give me a week or so to sort them all out and get back to you. I will make the announcement welcoming our new DT members ASAP :o)

So yesterday was very productive, I ended up staying up til 3am (birds were tweeting as I fell asleep, LOL) finishing off some craft projects, doing the finals of two of my illustrations (just need to be coloured) and finally because my head was spinning, a couple of art journalling pages to empty out my brain clutter - works a treat, promise! Here is one of the cards made with the Kuretake Alcohol Inks... (will blog the rest another time) just two colours used here, hot pink and yellow.

The witch stamp is from Lavinia Stamps and the background is part of Tim Holtz stamp, images were embossed (with ultra thick as I could find my regular black, of course I found it this morning when I was tidying up!!) and some distress stickles rubbed over the top. I hadn't embossed anything for AGES!

Today I got all my stuff ready for Stitches (the trade show next week), organised a couple of meetings for next week, set up my Skype (much easier than I thought!) and caught up with the 80+ emails I got yesterday afternoon (see how I get distracted!!) I will probably start colouring in some of my illustrations tonight, yay!

Finally, please pop over to the Challenge Blog, a new one has gone up today and there are some fabulous projects from the Design Team!

Sarah x

Early Bird!

Today I'm posting early as I really need to get off my pooter and get some drawing done!! I have been saying I can draw at my desk but i'm sure you know what its like, an email comes through, you reply, the phone rings, 2 more emails come through, the phone rings again, you turn round and you have 40 unread emails - WHAT!! Typical, LOL. I do have my Blackberry with me but get less distracted when I'm not in front of the pooter checking every email, tweet etc....

I now have a little over a week to finish my pieces for the Bologna Book Fair, they are all sketched out, some are started but none are finished - yikes!! I also have the trade show Stitches at the end of the week and a couple of client meetings as well as my usual crafty projects and working on some new products, it's a long list! I actually stayed awake til 2am last night / this morning just to clear my backlog of emails, luckily I feel quite awake today!

I finished my projects with the alcohol inks but am waiting for them to dry so I'll photograph them tomorrow and hopefully blog them in the next day or two, I used them with my Lavinia Stamps which are beautiful silouhettes - I found them at last years Ally Pally and fell in love! Definitely some more on this years Ally Pally shopping list!!

I also have to sort my Skype out soon as my list of calls to make and receive is growing ever longer! Thats tomorrow mornings job, definitely!

Finally I'll leave you with a very very quick layout from the weekend, its a very similar colour palette to the Vogue one I done a week or so ago, not sure why I'm so drawn to these colours at the moment!

ooops, and just remembered (this really is finally, I will stop babbling - see what I mean about getting distracted!!) the lovely Crafty Ribbons who I design for have their ribbons in this months 'Lets Make Cards' magazine, so you can test a few of their products and see the quality for yourself, bargainous!

I'm definitely going now, Fuzzybutt is waiting on the sofa office...!! LOL

Sarah x

New Ribbons!

Over the weekend I got to play with the new Seam Binding sent to me by Crafty Ribbons, lovely cololurs!...

I havent tried crumpling and spritzing yet, I'll be doing that tomorrow!! Here are a couple of cards I made with it.

The Rose card is the stamped image I showed being used with the Derwent Watercolour pencils, I cut it out and inked the edges with Distress Ink in Antique Linen, the papers are from The Girls Paperie.

The Enchantment card, the stamp is from Imaginisce, shaded using Kuretake pens and Stickles, the papers are Anna Griffin and American Crafts (Dear Lizzy)

I think I'm getting better as Bow Tieing now, I need to try on some bigger ribbons! Tomorrow I'm going to try distressing and spritzing the undyed seam binding to see what I can create. I think they will go perfectly with some cards I'm making using Kuretake Alcohol inks.

Sarah x

Last Chance!

Just a quick reminder that this is the last chance to send your details in for my DT call! If you havent seen it yet you can scroll back a bit or click here to see. I'd love to hear from you! It closes tomorrow (15th February) at midnight GMT.

Also, I had a lovely comment from one of my favourite bloggers / tweeters, Emma, who had given me a blog award - yay! So I officially accept!

In accepting the award I've had to agree to the following conditions:

1) You have been tagged, do you want to accept? YES! then create a post on your blog and post the love blog photo.

2) Link back to the person who gave you the award and say if you accept.

3) Choose 3-5 of your favourite blogs to tag, link these in your post too and tell the lucky people they have been tagged.

The aim of this award is to bring unknown good blogs to light, so we're asked not to tag somebody "with 3000 followers".

Now to pick my favourites.... I've chosen 5 of my lovely DT girls :o)

1. Lisa

2. Clare

3. Melly

4. Amanda

5. Patsi

Its so hard to narrow it down to 5, there are so many fabulous blogs out there but these 5 girls are super talented, very helpful and supportive and deserve a litle 'toot' from me - so thank you!!

Now I'm off to enjoy my valentines day evening, I hope that whether you are single, married, loved up etc.. you are taking time out too. I'm enjoying my 5th lovely Valentines day with B, he even handmade me a card this year, it was very good for a first effort of someone with big sausage fingers (broken too many times playing football and rugby)

Last night on Twitter we were having a little chat about best and worst valentines, my worst was a tick box coupon cut out of 'The Sun' where you had to tick boxes to say you missed it because you were a. in the pub, b. watching football etc.... Needless to say NOT amused!! LOL (that was ex by the way not the lovely B!) What are your best or worst valentines? (please don't let mine be the most tragic!)

Sarah x

Free Valentine Digi!

So much for being more exciting today, I fear I will only be even more dull than yesterday as a wave of complete exhaustion has hit me full force, yuk! I'm off to the sofa office, LOL, I have some sewing to do so I can do that curled up with Fuzzybutt - yay!

To make it up to you though, I have a little freebie for you, if you click below you can download a free Black and White version of this Deer couple, which you can colour and use with your Valentines cards etc... You can also right click and use the coloured in version below if you prefer!

Also, today is my second littlest sisters 13th Birthday, I can't believe she is a teenager! scary.... Happy Birthday H!! :o)

Finally, I just wanted to clarify something regarding a snarky blog comment I received yesterday, I have never made any secret of the fact that I design for Derwernt - their logo is emblazoned on the left hand side of my blog and I mention it fairly often, however if I didnt like a product I wouldn't pretend I did, I would just say nothing - I strongly believe in the old saying 'if you love something tell everyone, if you don't tell us' and I stick to it! I didn't get paid for the post, they didn't even ask me to do it, I just wanted to share!! I also mention a lot of other companies and their lovely products who I don't do any work for!

It wasn't supposed to be me being an expert on how to use the product just me showing you how I experimented and what I thought the products would be good for. Hopefully as I get some more practice, you will see what I do with those products improve along the way. I also would never work for a company who's products I didn't like, I have loved and used Derwent products for many years and am overjoyed to now be working with them. I hope thats cleared that up!!

I really don't know why I keep defending myself, I should just ignore the negative stuff but I always feel if I don't people may think I'm hiding something or why haven't I spoken up? Hope that makes sense!!!!


I hope you all have lovely lovely weekends!! I have a LOT of lovely crafting projects planned, can't wait!

Sarah x

p.s. please pop over to Melly's blog as shes having a little Blog Candy and you could win yourself some lovely stuff!!

Very Quick Post

A very very quick post today as I'm in the middle of a million things (only very slightly exaggerating! LOL)

First up, please pop over to the Challenge Blog as a new challenge has gone up today from our Guest Designer Tammy.It's great to see so many of you participating in the challenges now, and it's growing all the time!

Secondly, one of my DT girls, the lovely Melly, is in the process of setting up her own Challenge Blog and is having a DT call - please take a look here and email her, shes lovely so I'm sure her Challenge's will be fun!

And finally there is just 5 Days left to apply for my Design Team!!! Please go back a page to see the requirements and apply :o)

Thats all for now, I'll try and be more fun tomorrow, promise!

Sarah x

Derwent Inktense & Watercolour Pencils

At the weekend I got some time to play with my lovely Derwent pencils. I must admit my natural instinct when it comes to colouring pencils is to reach for the Coloursoft pencils, they are so great to work with, they blend easy and I can get my usual bright bold and colourful look with them. I'm not really very good with watercolours, I find the overall result (in my hands at least!) to be too wishy washy and too messy, but I thought I would be brave and have a go with the Watercolour and Inktense pencils and see if I could get to grips with them and the differences between them.

I started with the Watercolour pencils, I used them to colour a stamped image using a water brush (also from Derwent) to blend. I don't think I have ever coloured in a stamped image before (and it probably shows!) I used a Staz-on Ink pad as these are solvent based and so won't bleed into your colours as you add water. The stamp is an old one from PSX that I've had for about 10 years.

I started by stamping my image and using the darkest red to shade the shadowy areas. I did make a few smudges as you can probably see! but on the whole I found it much easier than watercolours and much easier than I was expecting!!

As I got braver I started using strips of colour to boldly highlight the light and shade areas and using the waterbrush to blend them - as with the leaf below.

On the whole it took me far less time to colour this than it would have done with watercolours and I found it much easier. I definitely need some more practice though!!

While I was still feeling brave I broke open the Inktense Pencils, I stamped my image with Staz on again and started shading the face ready to blend with the water brush....

But as you can see in pic 2 I didn't take into account that when you add water to these the colour POPS, really seriously it looked like my witch had had a run in with a spray tan - BAD! luckily using the water brush I used lots of water to flood the area (do this slowly or it will smudge) and blot using kitchen towel, this reduced her luminous orange glow down to a healthy tan - she maybe just flew her broomstick too close to the sun one day!! LOL. The bold colours really appealed to me and overall I think I preferred them for that reason. Here is my final result....

As you can see I still made a few smudges, but I thought it was not bad for a first attempt! and you can still get a more subtle finish if you use the pencils very lightly (as I did on the background here..) I added some distress stickles to the background on the finished image and added to my card (using MME papers and Halloween ribbon from Crafty Ribbons, I can't remember where the Spider button came from, I think someone sent it me as part of an art swap,.)

Both pencils were very easy to use, overall I prefer the Inktense for the vibrant finish but if you prefer a more subtle tone then the Watercolour is the way to go, they would be great for vintage / shabby chic projects! I definitely will be getting in some more practice with both - I need it!!

Now back to the drawing board for me (literally!!)

Sarah x

p.s. if you're looking for the DT call you need to scroll all the way to the bottom and maybe even go back a page now I've done this epic post! :o)

Busy Busy Busy!!

Today I had SOOOOO much to do, seriously, I cannot begin to tell you how crazy my schedule is, I worked til 2am yesterday and was back up at 7 to start again, and will probably be working again all night tonight. have to say though, I'm having the BEST time!

Working on new designs, sorting out new products, working on my illustrations for the Bologna Book Fair, looking at all the DT applications coming in, and all the other stuff going on that I'm not allowed to say yet, crazy! I havent even had chance to check in with my DT girls yet - thats what later tonight is for, right? LOL

Today I decided to get myself "in the zone" LOL, I wrote a condensed list of what needed to be done TODAY (down from my 4 page list of what has to be done at some point this week) on a pretty post it note and everything, I wore teal tights to match my nails and my fave boots, I was all stocked up with coffee and currant crunch ryvita - ready to GO!

The positive approach definitely worked, I got everything sketched out and started working on final pieces, lots and lots done - yay! Think with a few more hours tonight I will be very happy with todays progress.

I also got a lovely parcel from Crafty Ribbons with their new Seam Binding, it is SO gorgeous, the colours are lovely muted tones, perfect for vintage / shabby chic projects and they also sent me some undyed so I can use it with my Ink Sprays and Promarkers to recolour it, I really can't wait to have a play with them, I'm almost sad to cut them as they are all my favourite colours, I just want to wrap them round a canvas and frame it! LOL

At the weekend I made a couple of Easter cards with the previous lot of ribbons they sent to me, it's so hard to find lovely things for Easter! The bunny ribbon was so nicely printed I cut a couple of the pictures out and used them as embellishments. The big button is also from Crafty Ribbons.

I have quite a few more of these to come but won't bore you with them all at once!

I also had an email from an old friend today, it was so nice to hear from him and I'm hoping to get my Skype set up this week so I can chat to him later in the week properly (he's not in the UK) and a couple of other people. I speak to a few of my European and American contacts via MSN messenger but it would be nice to speak to them in person a bit more often! It certainly racks the bill up if you do it all the time (hence the MSN now, LOL).

Anywayyyy.... he said to me today that you can see my sense of humour in my work, I thought that was such a lovely thing to say and I hope others see it too and not just because he knows me!

And one last thing, yesterday I got an Invite to Pinterest - wow! it is SO addictive, at first I couldn't see the point but as you get going it's fab - if you're on there let me know or if you would like an invite leave me your email address and I'll send you one!

I'm off for a quick dinner before I get back to burning the midnight oil!

Sarah x

p.s. if you're looking for the DT call please scroll down a bit!

Another Crazy Week....

After a lovely weekend, although it did go too quickly (how long til Easter? ;o) ) I have another manic week ahead! At the weekend I managed to get almost up to date on all my craft projects, just one or two that need the finishing touches added! I spent almost the whole 2 days in my studio and I finally got chance to have a play with some of the products I have been sent - yay!

Firstly, Kuretake alcohol inks, I dont have many colours of these so I went with a simple background to use on an art journal style piece - the colours are so vivid and lush, when I squirted the yellow it looked like I had dripped egg yolk - yum! And mixed with the hot pink it created a lovely bright orange - here is my background in progress....

They also do a cracking job on your nails.... ;o)

(my nails have now been repaired and are back to their former turquoise loveliness!)

I will show you the finished piece in a day or so when I'm happy with it, it needs a little something and I'm not sure what, maybe some doodling or journalling...

At one point yesterday my lovely clean studio table looked like THIS!

Shocking state isn't it, please feel free to leave me your comments on how disgusted you are, LOL.

I have also been frantically working on my new illustrations, although as yet I'm not much past the planning stage, I plan to get at least a few of the rough drafts sketched out tonight.

Just realised I've posted two icky pics so here's a cute one of Fuzzybutt trying to hide from me being all camera happy the other night - she's a bit camera shy! (I'm not ashamed of my fairy princess duvet cover - I use it for my desk duvet!)

Now I'm off to quickly wolf some dinner down before I get back to work! Hoping OH has something yummy lined up, I've been living off Ryvita today - I'm OBSSESSED with the raisin cruch ones with lurpak *slurp* (p.s. I'm not cheating, I'm having some good low GI carbs, still no bread, pasta or potatoes *polishes dieting halo*)


p.s. if you're looking for the DT call you need to scroll down a bit...

Friday Fun!

A big thank you to everyone who sent me messages and left comments yesterday - was so nice of you all - I'm still SO excited - weeeeee!

This weekend I'm working on loads of crafty projects for Derwent, Crafty Ribbons and Kuretake, at least one whole day locked up in my studio, bliss! I hope you all have time to get some crafting in as well!

I also have lots of illustrations to work on and I really need to finish up some new designs I'm working on - no rest for the wicked! ;o)

Today I have spent all day pretty much on just one project and it's still not done!! it will be worth it when it is though, love seeing everything come together. I guess I'll finish that at the weekend too, LOL

I have no pretty pics for you today.... so I'll just share this one, naughty little Fuzzybutt trying to climb on my desk yesterday!! (She has a pouffe / chair thingy next to my desk, not incredibly long legs or stilts!!) What a naughty pooch!

Hope you have a lovely weekend, stay safe in this stormy weather!

Sarah x

p.s. If any of you have anything that you have made with my products, I'd love to see them, I have a number of things on the go and I'm looking for all kinds of things to use in them - just e-mail them to me here! or send me your blog link

p.p.s If you are looking for the DT call please scroll down, it's a few posts back.

What was I so excited about yesterday??......

well now I can tell you..... :o)

Some of my illustration work is being shown at this years Bologna Book Fair!! How exciting is THAT! The fair is a HUGE event where lots of agents and publishers and book packagers meet and do booky / illustratory meetingy things and make deals and coo over pretty pics - some of them will be mine this year - woooo! - and other important businessy type stuff, natch ;o)

So now I have 3 weeks to work manically on some new things and dig out some of my existing best work - as well as everything else I'm doing obviously. I'm on kind of a manic schedule right now, on the surface I seem very calm (mostly because at least half of what I'm working on I'm not allowed to tell anyone about right now!!!) but under the surface I'm paddling away like a crazy person - but to be honest I wouldn't have it any other way!

On top of all that, today I got turquoise nail polish, it totally rocks my world... I'm working my way through bluey tones at the mo as I find they compliment the yellow my engagement ring the best, this is my absolute fave though, think I need a big turquoise ring for the other hand, Primani here I come ;o)

My heads a little bit spinny now, too much excitement (and coffee most likely)

On another note please pop over to the Challenge Blog - Clare's new challenge has gone up today.

Sarah x

February Guest Designer!

Please give a big welcome to our February Guest designer Tammy!

Tammy is a stay at home mum of one who lives in Canada and loves to craft - you can see her blog here. Her first card will be up on the Challenge Blog tomorrow along with a brand new challenge, so please pop over and take a look!

The way our Guest Designers work in future will be changing slightly so Tammy is the last one for the current schedule - keep your eyes open for details of the changes soon :o)

Today was a bit of a fabbo day actually, I spoke to someone about a terrific project, found out some great news which I should be able to share with you tomorrow if I get the OK! (expecting a text from my mum about 5 seconds after reading this asking me what it is, LOL) and started some new projects for Kuretake and Crafty Ribbons which I'll be showing you in the next few days.

Crafty Ribbons sent me a load of new ribbons not even on their website yet - soooo gorge, do you spot those skullies? and bunnies? LUSH! if you spot one you like and can't find it on their website do give them a call and let them know you saw it on my blog and they will be happy to track it down for you, they're so nice and very helpful so don't be shy!

Also, Derwent are having a fantastic competition which you just have to check out here, soooo wish I could play along! LOL

You may notice it looks a bit different here today, I rearranged some things and spread it out a bit, what do you think?

Sarah x

p.s. if you are looking for the Design Team call, its a few posts down!

Another Letraset Project!

Time for another of my Letraset projects, this time a Vintage Memory box, again starting with a plain bleached wood box...

The box was coloured using just two shades of Promarker as I wanted it to be more feminine and not as 'heavy' looking as the other one, I thought this looked like something a 'Lady' would keep her treasures in a century or so ago.

I coloured the inside of the box in two colours of dusky pink, I wanted it to look soft like the box was lined in velvet. The little bits inside and on top were stained to look vintage using Aquamarkers and a water spray and Promarkers (mostly on the edges)

Today, after a nightmare start! (it got better luckily!!) I've been working on some new stuff that will be launched in a day or two, yay!

Off to have some dinner with my OH and watch Silent Witness now (last one *sob*) also have some things to write that I can do snuggled on the sofa - yay :o)

Sarah x